Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / BlockLauncher Addons
Viewed: 1527 - Published at: 5 years ago
This mod enables the majority of commands which are hidden in the code of Minecraft Pocket Edition. The commands are expected to be an official feature in one of the next versions of the game. It should be noted that for some devices (as in my case) this mod won’t work. But we’ve specified more information about that down in the bottom of the post.
Creator: JoePaleto, Twitter Account
Most of the commands are fully functional. However, be careful because some of them can crash your device.
Parameter Explanations:
<> = required parameter
[] = optional parameter
- /memwarn – logs a memory warning to the device’s log
- /setskin
– supposed to change skin to one of the default ones, currently doesn’t seem to work - /export
- /import
– supposed to import a world (crashes currently) - /longpick – increases the mining range, mine blocks from afar
- /screenshot [fileName] – supposed to capture a screenshot (crashes currently)
- /exportshots [fileName] – supposed to export screenshots as .zip file (crashes currently)
- /wipeout – removes all entities around you
- /timeset
- /timeadd
– adds time to the current world time value - /timelock
– locks the time to the value in the parameter, if value is not specified then it will use the active value - /timestop [0|1] – similar to above, different parameter, 0 = stop time, 1 = continue time
- /give
[itemCount] [itemData] - /player
- /health
- /hunger
- /getpos [player] – displays the position info for selected player, if no value specified then it gives user position info
- /gethealth [player] – get health for selected player, if not value specified then it gives user health
- /tp
- /jmp
- /effect
[seconds] [amplifier] – adds effect - /xp
- /lvl
- /enchant [enchantmentId] [level] – enchants player’s held item with specified enchantment and level, if no values selected then random enchantment
- /disenchant – removes enchantment on carried item
- /clearInventory [player] – clears inventory of selected player, if no value specified then clears user inventory
- /rain [rainTime] [rainLevel] – control the rain
- /lightning [lightningTime] [lightningLevel] – invokes a set of lightnings in your world
- /summon [entityName|villagerProfessionName] – spawns specified entity, if villager profession is specified instead of entity name then a villager of that profession will spawn. Available entities / profession names:
- arrow
- snowball
- thrownegg
- painting
- minecartrideable
- largefireball
- smallfireball
- thrownpotion
- boatrideable
- fishinghook
- chicken
- cow
- pig
- sheep
- wolf
- ocelot
- villager
- mushroomcow
- squid
- bat
- rabbit
- horse
- irongolem
- bat
- snowgolem
- witch
- zombie
- zombievillager
- creeper
- skeleton
- spider
- pigzombie
- slime
- enderman
- silverfish
- cavespider
- ghast
- lavaslime
- blaze
- player
- lightning
- Villager
- Profession names: farmer, librarian, priest, smith, butcher
- /gamemode [gamemode] – changes gamemode, if none specified then it will switch to the opposite one
- /tick – displays current tick (gamespeed)
- /tickset
- /kit [kitName] – works only in creative mode
Kit names:- minecart
- redstone
- wool
- blockui
- /setworldspawn – sets world spawnpoint to sender’s position
- /spawning – toggles natural mob spawning
- /backup – backups your Minecraft PE world
- Debug (Advanced):
- /aigoals
- /bounds
- /paths
- /villages
- /log
- /profile
Since I could not install and use the mod myself which I do in most cases I can’t provide any great screenshots. But here are a few ones which were submitted by the developer:
I know this is a legit developer who have created great mods in the past so you can feel safe downloading it.
Install Guide
IMPORTANT BEFORE INSTALL: This mod does not support x86 devices. You can check which processor your device is using with this guide (click).
- Make sure you’ve got the latest BlockLauncher beta!
- Download the mod file (.apk)
- Use ES File Explorer to locate the file on your device (most probably in your Downloads folder)
- Tap on the file to run the installation.
- Start BlockLauncher!