Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1439 - Published at: 4 years ago
This is a block clutch & PvP practice world meant for 1 player that challenges you through multiple fast paced actions. This map is a deeply edited map which was made by ThirdPE (Original map: Block Clutch Practice)
Watch tutorial video at the bottom if still unclear
Proof of permission: Reply from Bob bib’s comment in this YouTube link
This map’s focus is to help you improve in games like SkyWars, BedWars, CTF etc… by mostly focusing on the block clutch aspect of these games. Throughout this map you will have to block clutch in exact areas with the max being a double block clutch. Furthermore, this map helps you improve your bowing & PvP combo accuracy in 2 main challenges.
There are 8 main challenges in this world that consist of:
– 4 Block clutch sections
– 1 Bow accuracy section
– 1 PvP combo section
– 1 Ender Pearl, practice section
– 1 PvP on bridge practice section
Block clutching: (Green blocks mean you have to double block clutch)
– While Jumping mid air, place a block on the side of the indicated blocks (onto the Cobblestone or green concrete) to catch yourself
Bow Aiming by shooting towards a constantly moving enderman
– When jumping onto a pressure plate after water clutching you will be teleported to this section
– The enderman will constantly move due to it raining and you will have to constantly readjust where you are aiming your bow to get a good shot.
Pvp practice by keeping a skeleton in the air (you have to not let it touch the ground while trying to dodge it’s arrows)
– You will have speed, the skeleton will have feather falling. Your goal is to practice your combos by keeping it in the air (using your punches) while dodging its arrows. If it hits the ground hold out the fishing rod (9th slot) to effect the skeleton with levitation for 2 seconds. Only use the fishing rod if it’s about to hit the ground.
Ender pearl practice
– You simply throw an ender Pearl to where the blue arrow is pointing (you spawn on the right platform & throw the ender Pearl onto the left platform)
Block clutching on the sides of blocks
– Same idea as the first challenge except, this time you focus on jumping and then placing blocks on the sides of blocks not directly in front of you.
Practice pushing someone off a bridge without falling off yourself
– This is good practice for BedWars, the bridge, skywars etc… because it simulates two opponents needing to knock the other off the bridge, using yourself & a vindicator. Your goal is to punch the vindicator off the bridge without falling off yourself
Practice block clutching when moving at sonic speeds
– This section is good practice for BedWars & skywars because you will be effected with speed & jump boost which simulates being punched off of an island, or tnt jumping, and having to block clutch onto another island.
Finally, practice doing block clutches while being hit by arrows constantly
– In minigames like skywars & BedWars being knocked off a bridge by bows or throwable items happen often, & this section helps your simulate these experiences by forcing you to block clutch & keep yourself on the bridge
Here is a video showing how to do the entire map if the directions seem too hard.