Download Useful Nether Quartz Add-On 1.0.2 - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Useful Nether Quartz Add-On 1.0.2
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1331 - Published at: 5 years ago


Nether Quartz is only used to craft a few things, and outside of decorative aspects is almost never used in the game, This addon will give you a purpose to mine for Nether Quartz outside of grinding XP. There are a lot of features introduced and even deterrents that compel you to take advantage of these new features. This does not replace any vanilla mobs. Follow @UECMT for updates and tweet us if you’d like to voice your thoughts.

WARNING: Any videos or showcases made on this addon MUST follow Unity’s add-on TOS or we’ll take down your video. By downloading and using this addon, you agree to the terms of use.

 Creator: NightwalkerLots, Twitter Account, YouTube Channel, Instagram Updated: 18 April, 2019 (read changelog)


Features (As of V-1.0.2):: The Final Build

(Requires Minecraft Bedrock 1.8 or higher)

(This version has been playtested by Multiple Mixer Streamer before release)

Zombie Pigman

  • Tamable with Nether Quart Blocks
  • When tamed, Will automatically attack all monster mobs
  • When tamed, will shoot fireballs if the target is out of range
  • Regular/Tamed pigman no longer broadcast aggression
  • Does not wonder and will follow you closely when tamed
  • AI designed by @Lastofthesorrow
  • When tamed, Are semi-invulnerable
  • When tamed, keeps creepers away
  • When tamed, keeps phantoms away
  • Will come with you through the Nether Portal
  • Can hold items for you once tamed (27 slots)
  • Will immediately pick up items you throw at it
  • Regular/Tamed will randomly spawn gold near them
  • You can trade regular quartz with Untamed Zombie Pigman in exchange for a gold nugget (walk up to them and interact with quartz in hand)
  • Has a chance to spawn with armor & swords above gold quality
  • Buffed drops of untamed pigman


  • 50 Health
  • x1.8 Bigger (New texture works without resource)
  • Better attack AI
  • Much harder to kill
  • Now drops Phantom Membrane
  • It’s fireballs now explode on impact
  • With looting enchantment, will occasionally drop diamonds
  • Will occasionally drop fire charges

Wither Skeleton

  • 50 Health
  • x1.2 Bigger (New texture works without resource)
  • Now inflicts slowness along with wither effect
  • Replaced dropped coal with coal blocks
  • Replaced dropped bones with iron nuggets
  • Rare chance to drop diamonds if you have looting

Iron Golems

  • Can be healed by Nether Quartz
  • Are tamable by Nether Quart Blocks
  • have 90 health once tamed
  • No longer try to attack zombie pigman
  • Player made Iron Golems no longer retaliate when you attack them

Passive Features

  • Trade quartz blocks with cows for their meat and the essence from the nether will automatically cook it
  • Trade quartz blocks with chickens for feathers
  • Tame a sheep or pig with quartz blocks, once tamed they will remain stationary and randomly drop their raw meat.
  • Tamed sheep and pigs will automatically pick up the raw mutton they dropped if they remain stationary (inventory of 27 slots)

Other Big changes

  • Enchanto Potions now gives you a lot more XP (A random tweak for testing purposes, figured a few people might like this if I leave it in)
  • Enchanto Potions now act as a splash potion of harming 
  • creepers now randomly drop gunpowder and it sounds like a firework when they do
  • Shulkers now drop more shells and are affected by looting
  • Phantoms now drop more shells and are affected by looting
  • Phantoms now have a rare chance to drop elytra with looting enchantment
  • Can trade quartz with Enderman in exchange for ender pearls (walk up to them and interact with quartz in hand)
  • Creepers now drop more gunpowder and don’t destroy blocks when they explode 
  • Shulkers now have a chance to drop ender pearls and chorus fruit


Credits, Intended Use, & Copyright

In association with Unity Entertainment Productions
© 2019-2023 Unity Entertainment Productions
Addon Founder: Nightwalkerlots
Insta- nightwalker_lots
This Addon is owned by Unity Entertainment Productions™. DO NOT attempt to edit, change, or tamper with any files or assets in the Useful Nether Quartz Addon. The contents of this addon are organized specifically to work on Mobile and XboxOne. We are not responsible for any damage done to devices installed with this addon. We are not responsible for anything that happens during the unintended and/or inappropriate use of this Minecraft Addon. Please use this addon at your own risk. Separate download links will be available for your device on the Unity Entertainment Website (Home/Downloads/Minecraft add-ons). Updates and Bugfixes will be made frequently by the Unity Entertainment Modding Team. Report bugs or give suggestions on our discord server.

Known Bugs

  • Flying away from your tamed Zombie Pigman can cause him to lose track of you… Best to go on foot
  • Changes and tweaks to vanilla mobs in this add-on may overwrite some things in other add-ons
  • Pigman may not spawn with golden swords anymore, but have a chance to spawn with something better
  • Creepers may still destroy blocks if “Mob Griefing” is left on while using cheats
  • Some play tester reported zombie pigman not following them into the overworld


  1. Visit Unity to Download
  2. Complete reCAPTCHA
  3. When hitting “Get Link” and an ad window comes up. Close it and click “Get Link” again
  4. Download the file for your device
  5. (Xbox One) Watch Installation Tutorial
  6. (Mobile/Windows) Apply the pack for a world


For Mobile, simply apply addon to your world.

For Xbox One, watch the installation tutorial provided below

(There is no longer a resource pack)


