Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1929 - Published at: 4 years ago
The sequel to the original SFP, the version 2. Yay, I made more addons. in this pack, I added 20 new furniture pieces ranging from typical bedroom usage to kitchen usage. Without further ado, I introduce the Screenfy’s Furniture Pack Version 2
Note: This thread is pretty long because i made 20 furniture pieces, if you want to download it, just scroll all the way to the bottom.
Add-on contents
Prior to my previous pack, I’ve added new furniture pieces such as ceiling fans and dining tables.
This add-on consists 20 pieces of furniture.
BBQ Grill
A grill that will fulfill your cooking needs; just right-click or tap the “Grill” button (for mobile users), and whatever raw food in your hand will the grill turn it into a cooked version of it!
Picnic Table
This table can be seated up to four people and suitable for outdoor usage (obviously idk why i said that)
Picnic Table w/ Umbrella
Can also be seated up to four people and it’s the exact same model above but with an umbrella, just incase it starts to rain :).
A simple couch I made for living room usage, can be seated up to two people. Unfortunately, I was too lazy to make different variants of it’s colour, but based on some research, it’s said that a blue coloured couch is generally more liked upon, so that’s why I chose it to be blue.
Gaming Setup
A gaming setup that consists of a 144hz monitor and and a PC with an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 with an RTX 3090 and 32 GB of RAM! Plus, RGB, because RGB is proven to make you a more skillful gamer. This piece is honestly my favourite one yet!. It also has a drawer whihc means it has an inventory slot.
(Now if you can’t tell sarcasm, I was being sarcastic about it having those specs, just in case any moron complains that this piece didn’t have those specs, I was being satirical)
Gaming Chair
“hE isN’t chEating hE jUst hAs gOod gAminG chAiR”
A gaming chair that can move, obviously, considering the fact that it has wheels lmfao. This piece is another one of my favourites.
A simple drawer with an inventory slot.
Lamp Table
Okay, I just realized I didn’t make a mini lamp but whatever i’m very tired so i’ll just do an update in the future but anyhow, this lamp table has an inventory slot and is intended to be the place where you place your digital clock (below).
Digital Clock
Now, I apologize that the time is fixed, I have no idea how to code it so that it can match up with minecraft’s time or your time zone, anyhow this digital clock can be placed pretty much anywhere so yeah.
I think I coded that the stove has an inventory slot but I can’t recall because I’m currently having a headache as of writing this. This stove can also cook food just like how the grill works. To cook, you can right-click or tap on the button that says “Cook”.
Has an inventory slot to store your food.
Again, apologies due to my inability to code really advanced animations, so unfortunately the way you cook food is like how the grill and stove works, simply right-click or tap on the “Microwave” button. I’m pretty sure there’s this other furniture pack where the creator successfully made an animation and even made a new type of food, e.g. “microwaved beef”. Outstanding!
Dining Table
Intended for a family of four as it only has four plates,cups and pair of utensils, but if you wanna squeeze in a family member or two, go ahead.
Dining Chair
Created for the dining table (above).
Sink Cabinet
A simple sink (which doesn’t have the ability to pour out water, unfortunately) that has an inventory slot to store your bleach, poison, trash bags and whatever appliances you plan to store in it.
A toilet.
A bathtub to clean yourself and stay hygienic.
Trash Bin
Has an inventory slot to throw whatever junk you intend to place in it.
Ceiling Fan
This was the only model I could successfully animate without going insane, made to cool you during the summers.
A different model compared to the lamp I made in the other furniture pack. i honestly prefer this one (I guess because it actually looks like a lamp?!).
Example of setup
How to obtain
Can be obtained through the creative inventory and also through commands. Example; /give @s sf;bbqgrill
If you have any issues, feel free to contact me in any of these contact things, idfk :/.
Twatter: ihatescreenfy
Email: [email protected] (i made this email when i was like 9, stfu)
Original furniture pack (aka the version 1): Click here lul
Special thanks:
Ashminggu for supporting me and helping me whenever I had issues trying to create my add-ons, I really want to help through what you’re dealing with right now and because of that I’ll try my best to repay you as soon as possible,thanks dude.
1. Download both the Resource and Behavior Packs (Links are below).
2. You will be sent to the redirection page. Just wait 5 seconds and skip. (Note: You'll might be ask to allow some notifications, just deny all of them).
3. Wait for another 45 - 60 seconds at the "Please press 'Allow' to continue" page.
4. Download the Resource / Behavior Packs.
5. Once downloaded, click on the files and it will automatically open up Minecraft to start importing the files!