Download WITHER DRAGON - Minecraft PE Addons
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1122 - Published at: 4 years ago


WITHER DRAGON it’s a ender dragon but it turns into wither then we called it wither dragon another Strong boss his not like normal wither boss his stronger than wither you can beat him if you are strong enough!

Wither dragon it has 800 health and his wither skulls damage is 10 it’s just like wither but his stronger than wither

And it has a special attack dragon heads wave like evoker and it’s hard to hit him because it have a knock back because of Thunders 

When his health is half he will have a armor just like wither and he can summons a huge groups of Thunder bolts! 

You can kill this thing if you are strong enough!


Just click the file mcaddon it's automatically installing on your mcpe if it doesn't works rename the mcaddon to zip then unzip it 

Move the behavior pack on games/com.mojang/behavior_packs

Then the resources move it to games/com.mojang/resources_packs

Then open your mcpe apply resources and behavior packs!


