Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1876 - Published at: 5 years ago
Explore new underground biomes, find new natural structures, encounter new cave themed creatures. fight a new boss, be spooked by classic cave sounds and more in the Cave Update Add-on! This add-on adds many very needed additions to caves to make them exciting again. Check back for updates as more will be added in the future!
Video Guide Covering Everything!
Thanks to Bridge for making add-on creation faster and easier! If you’re looking to make your own addons I’d recommend using Bridge!
Enable Experimental Gameplay!
New Generated Structures:
All of these structures will generate in limited quantities. That means that they won’t clog up your world by spawning infinitely! So, You don’t need to worry about your mines being filled with random structures. You will only find these in unexplored caves.
End Portal Room:
The end portal room is the rares of the structures. It generates about as often as dungeons do. You can rely on finding one of these if the nearest Stronghold is too far away from your house.
Spider Nest:
This is a spide filled hole found in most caves. Falling in is very dangerous, but does yield substantial loot from all of the spider eggs!.
Ancient Nether Portals:
these portals were abandoned by their creators long ago and have since fallen into disrepair. They are missing most of their obsidian, but can be repaired!
…or just broken down for scrap…
Groups of vases now spawn naturally underground but are in limited supply. They drop comparable loot to spider eggs, however, they can also drop rusty iron keys. These are needed to open the new cave treasure chests.
Iron and Gold Chests:
These chests can spawn anywhere in the underground, with the gold chests predominantly spawning deeper down. Both chests require their respective keys to open: Iron Chests require rusty iron keys and Gold Chests require gold keys. Iron keys can be found in vases and gold keys can be found in iron chests. BE CAREFUL as sometimes these chests are not as they appear…
New Weapons!
Bone Club:
The bone club is found exclusively in the previously mentioned chests. It does comparable damage to a stone sword, but has permanent Knockback II and Punch II! It is also UNBREAKABLE. Use it to send your foes flying away from you!
Friendly Spider Nest:
Not a conventional weapon, the friendly spider nest is a reward gained from defeating the Spider Matriarch Boss. It is a spider egg that continuously spawns friendly green-eyed spiders that will dispatch your enemies. You can recollect the egg by punching it a couple of times and picking it back up as an item. I would imagine this would be fairly useful in raids!
Cave Biomes:
New Deep Desert:
Underground Desert:
The underground desert generates underneath both desert biomes and mesa biomes. Features special desert stone and desert colored ores.
Underground Jungle:
The underground jungle generates under jungle biomes. Features unique mossy stone patches and more plant life to give it a more jungle feel. Beware, dangerous monsters spawn here.
Underground Tundra:
Generates under tundra and ice spike biomes. Features special ice stone and large patches of packed ice and rare blue ice farther down.
New Mobs as of Version 2:
Glow Worm:
Glow worms are friendly little worms that are found in all overworld caves. Fitting with their name, the glow worms actually glow! They act as dynamic sources of light in caves. You can lure them to specific destinations using brown mushrooms. They drop Glow Goo that when eaten, grants you night vision and it can be crafted into a Goo Lantern using 4 Glow Goos.
Ore Crawlers:
Every time you open a cave treasure chest, you run the risk of being attacked by a mimic. They deal lots of damage and resist knock-back so, early on, your best chance of survival is to run. I plan to add more types of mimics in the future such as barrel mimics and possibly ore mimics, so be on the lookout for future updates!
Hostile Mobs:
Undead Miner:
The undead remains of unlucky villager miners. They are a dangerous foe on account of their pickaxes. Drops bones and rarely ingots. Found underground below Y=40 or in abandoned mineshafts.
Brood Spider:
Large spiders that carry their brood on their abdomen, waiting to sick hordes of spiderlings your way. They are rare but pose a significant threat to early players when encountered, similar to endermen. Keep your distance when possible. Drops string, spider eyes, and a spider heart used to craft the boss spawn. Found underground everywhere and in higher levels in the jungle.
Spider Eggs:
Spider eggs don’t pose a direct threat themselves and in fact, can offer loot when destroyed. However, they also release several spiderlings when broken in addition to their treasure. Spider eggs are found in Spider Nests that generate periodically underground. Treasure consists of cave themed items.
Small baby spiders spawned by Brood Spiders, Spider Eggs, and the Spider Matriarch. While they pose little threat by themselves, they are dangerous in numbers.
Bristle Spider:
A ranged spider that accompanies the Spider Matriarch during the boss battle. It fires a slew of bristles at the player.
More creatures are to be added in Future Updates…
Passive Mobs:
Villager Miners:
These poor villagers have become trapped and need your help to rescue them! They are found trapped in webs underground and you free them by punching the webs off. They are weak and require food to get the strength to follow you. Once you feed them, they will need to be lead back to the nearest village where they will reward you with XP and become a Miner themed Villager. They use any work stand that other villagers use and trade miner themed items.
More creatures are to be added in Future Updates…
Boss Mob:
Updated as of V2 Spider Matriarch:
This Spider Matriarch is the largest of the bunch and is not in the best mood when summoned. To summon the Spider Matriarch, one must craft the Spider Matriarch Spawn Block using 4 Spider Hearts and 5 string. Place down the block and break it to gain the spawn egg. The Spider Matriarch has 275 HP and switches between two attack modes depending on how far she is from her target. In ranged mode, she summons reinforcements in the form of spiderlings, brood spiders, and bristle spiders. She will periodically fire bristles at the player in this mode as well. When in Melee mode, she will summon only spiderlings but will also charge the player. A shield, a bow, and at least iron armor and sword are strongly recommended for this fight. The Spider Matriarch drops large amounts of cave related items including a friendly spider egg summoner!
Re-Addition of Java Cave Sounds:
If you’ve played the Java Edition or used to play the Legacy Console Edition, you’ll probably remember being spooked once or twice by the cave sounds that would periodically play. I was frankly disappointed by their removal from the Bedrock Edition so I re-added them here. All of them have been added, including several unused ones too. They break up the monotony of mining.
Even more stuff…
There are many more small additions added in various areas throughout the underground. Prismarine shard and crystal ore in ocean biomes, more blocks, prismarite ingots, edible spider hearts, etc…
If you have any suggestions on what I should add, let me know!