Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1164 - Published at: 5 years ago
This is not recommended for casual gameplay. This addon is designed to make you struggle through every second of combat and adventure. Ever had Minecraft feel too easy and wanted a REAL challenge. This addon will far surpass that desire of yours and make you even rethink it at times. I present to you, a difficulty beyond what you’re vocabulary calls, “Hard”.
Addon Founder: Nightwalkerlots
Twitter- @Lastofthesorrow
Insta- nightwalker_lots
If you wish to borrow assets from this addon, you’re more than welcome as long as you credit my work. This is an alpha WIP, ping me in Unity’s discord server or comment below if you have suggestions or concerns.
~Xbox Support is no longer available, as porting addons/textures to Xbox has been patched by Microsoft.
~Know Bugs are listed at the Bottom!!
It is recommended this addon be a stand-alone and to use it in a fresh world. Some things may not work as intended if you apply this to an already existing world, or if you use it with other add-ons that make changes to vanilla mobs.
Features: as of V0.8.20 (Bug Fixes – Planned Features) Update
-increased health & damage of all hostile mobs
-Most mobs will apply harmful effects when they attack you
Spider: Poison
Zombie: Poison
Enderman: Wither
-Skeletons shoot at a faster rate
-Tamed wolfs don’t die, hunt down hostile mobs, and carry items for you
-witches throw potions at a faster rate
-Blaze now shoot bursts of 10 fireballs that explode
-Creeper’s explosion cause huge destruction and is more likely to one-shot you
-Hostile mobs no longer burn in daylight
-Some enemies know where you are from up to 45 blocks away
-Blaze and Wither skeletons have been buffed and now have a chance to drop diamonds (if you have looting)
-Phantoms have a rare chance of dropping a elytra
-Shulkers have a chance to drop enderpearls
-creepers drop 4x the amount of gun powder
-creepers have a chance to drop TNT
-spiders have a chance to drop fermented spider eye with looting
-witches now drop potions of regeneration, speed, or weakness along with a book of a random enchantment
-zombies have a chance to drop a portion of strength, along with gold ingot and bread
-zombies have a chance to drop an iron sword with random enchant/durability
-witches have a rare chance to drop a totem if you have looting
-witches now do a jumping melee attack if you’re close enough
-Added a new Nether Sword ( 64 Blaze Rod + 2 Nether Star )
-Changed crafting recipes to the stone, iron, and diamond sword
- Iron Sword: 2 Iron Blocks + Stick
- diamond Sword: 2 Diamonds + Blaze Rod
-Made tamed wolfs almost invincible
-enchanted apples and regular ones take slightly longer to eat and also apply slowness
-Most foods have been nerfed, and eating anything raw will give you hunger and slowness
-cooked foods take slightly longer to eat
-cookies give you speed
– max stack size to any cooked food to 8
– max stack size to any raw food is 16
-eating cooked meats will grant brief regeneration
-enchant gold apples max stack is 3
-golden apples max stack 8
-Golden Carrots are now a superfood
-Made the totem craftable ( Emerald Block Surrounded by Enchanted Apples)
-Filling Crafting Table with rotten flesh will make leather
-cooking Rotten Flesh in a smoker will make Jerky (Same benefits as cooked beef)
V0.8.20 Bugs
~deleted resource dependency (unfinished)
~No animation or sound when eating jerky
~jerky has no texture in hand or in inventory
~This is an alpha WIP so there will be some problems that will be fixed. Do report them on twitter @UECMT
This add-on, as well as other’s we have made, can be found on our website!
Xbox support has been discontinued due to Microsoft recently patching the method for porting add-ons/textures to the platform.