MC: Teams (Team With Mobs and Players) Addon [1.12]
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 988 - Published at: 5 years ago
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 988 - Published at: 5 years ago
This addon let you team with other mobs or players. players / mobs on the same team will not damage each other you can use it on realms to disable pvp and enable it in certain areas
How to use:
- you have 2 teams “team1” and “team2″put players or mobs in teams with /tag command (example: /tag @p add team1)
- players/mobs on the same team will not damage each other
- example: /tag @e[type=zombie] add team1 . /tag @e[type=cow] add team2 the zombie will attack the cow
Supported mobs:
- zombie
- husk
- wither skeleton
- skeleton
- slime (note: when you kill big slime it summon small slime but they will not have team)
- creeper
- drowned
- phantom
- blaze
- witch
- shulker
- players
- note:you can let any mob on the list attack other mobs even if they are not on the list example:(/tag @e[type=zombie] add team1) (/tag @e[type=spider] add team2) zombie will attack spider
What can use this addon for:
- disable pvp in realms and enable it in certain area. by giving all players the same team and remove the team in that area
- in minigames you can make army of mobs and players that attack other army
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