Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1590 - Published at: 4 years ago
This add a lot of ore, like the copper, tin, silver, sapphire and ruby ! With this add-on you’ll be able to make new tools, equipement, blocks, food And pickaxe With custom craft recipe !
New Wood Stick !
For future pickaxe recipes, sword and axe you’ll need this NEW stick !
Ore Generation !
This is how the generation goes!This is how the generation goes!
The Copper Ore !
You can find him between Y= 75, 40 ! You can break it with all vanilla pickaxe or + pickaxe.
Find ores and smelt them to get ingots and make new tools !
The Copper Axe !
Each tool in your hand will give you effects !
give you haste 1 ! To cut wood faster
The Copper Sword !
give you strength 1 ! to kill mobs faster
Damage : 5
The Copper Pickaxe !
With this add-on, making a pickaxe is a step-by-step process!
First make from the top of your pickaxe !
Then put it all together!Then put it all together to get your pickaxe !
The Tin Ore !
You can find him between Y= 40-20! You can break it with copper or + pickaxe.
Find ores and smelt them to get ingots and make new tools !
The Tin Axe !
Each tool in your hand will give you effects !
give you haste 1 ! To cut wood faster
The Tin Sword !
give you strength 1 ! to kill mobs faster
Damage : 7
The Tin Pickaxe !
With this add-on, making a pickaxe is a step-by-step process!
First make from the top of your pickaxe !
Then put it all together!Then put it all together to get your pickaxe !
The Aluminum Ore !
You can find him between Y= 75, 40 ! You can break it with copper or + pickaxe.
Find ores and smelt them to get ingots and make new tools !
Each tool in your hand will give you effects !
The Aluminumaxe !
give you haste 1 ! To cut wood faster
The Aluminum Sword !
give you strength 1 ! to kill mobs faster
Damage : 6
The Aluminum Pickaxe !
With this add-on, making a pickaxe is a step-by-step process!
First make from the top of your pickaxe !
Then put it all together!Then put it all together to get your pickaxe !
The Silver Ore !
You can find him between Y= 40-20 ! You can break it with Tin or + pickaxe.
Find ores and smelt them to get ingots and make new tools !
The silver Axe !
Each tool in your hand will give you effects !
give you haste 1 ! To cut wood faster
The Silver Sword !
give you strength 1 ! to kill mobs faster
Damage : 8
The Silver Pickaxe !
With this add-on, making a pickaxe is a step-by-step process!
First make from the top of your pickaxe !
Then put it all together!Then put it all together to get your pickaxe !
Now ! These two ore are the two rarest ore in this add-on.
The Sapphire Ore !
You can find him between Y= 20-10 !You can break it with Silver or + pickaxe.
Find ores and smelt them to get ingots and make new tools !
The Sapphire axe !
Each tool in your hand will give you effects !
give you haste 2 ! To cut wood faster
The Sapphire Sword !
give you strength 2 ! to kill mobs faster
Damage : 9
The Sapphire Pickaxe !
With this add-on, making a pickaxe is a step-by-step process!
First make from the top of your pickaxe !
Then put it all together!Then put it all together to get your pickaxe !
Apples !
This food give you special effects !
like strength to kill faster mobs, speed to walk faster and regeneration and also absorption.
The Ruby !
You can find him between Y= 10-20 ! You can break it with Silver or + pickaxe.
Ruby Ore !
Find ores and smelt them to get ingots and make new tools, blocks and food !
The Ruby axe !
Each tool in your hand will give you effects !
give you haste 2 ! To cut wood faster
The Ruby Sword !
give you strength 2, to kill mobs faster !
Damage : 9
The Ruby Pickaxe !
With this add-on, making a pickaxe is a step-by-step process!
First make from the top of your pickaxe !
Then put it all together!Then put it all together to get your pickaxe !
Apples !
But that’s not all ! In minecraft bone meal is the boring item to farm so here is the phosphate, which by breaking it with a hammer you will get bone meal !
The Phosphate !
You can find them between Y=75-40, and you can break it with copper or + pickaxe
Craft the hammer to break the phosphate !
And now enjoy your farms !
If you have any suggestions or report, join my discord or send me a message on discord : KingZoLy#9207 !
Enable Experimental Gameplay
Enable Experimental Gameplay for the ore generation !
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