Download Mining-Robot Function Pack - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Mining-Robot Function Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1030 - Published at: 5 years ago


You don´t want to waste so much time with digging in your survival world?

Here is the solution: a self-mining robot

You just have to create such a robot, give it some fuel and it will work automatically.

First you need a commanblock (repeating, always active) in which you type in /function mining_robot_engine

Then you can build this little structure with an armor stand (so all breaked blocks will be collected there):

This armor stand you give the name collector

Next you place a second armor stand at the position where you would dig (the armor stand will dig in the direction he is facing) and give it the name miner

Last but not least you throw a coal item at the robots feet (he will use up this one coal).

Now the robot will automatically dig a tunnel. He will work for 30 seconds and in this time he breaks every block which is in front of him, then you must give him one new coal, so that he can start again.

You can create so many robots how you want, every one will work, but independently from the others for 30 seconds.


