Download Shrek the Saviour! - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Shrek the Saviour!
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 3322 - Published at: 4 years ago


Do you love Shrek? Want him to T-pose you away from death?

This is just the right pack for you!

Shrek comes to Minecraft, just to save your soul from death!

Presenting, Shrek the Saviour!

This pack retextures totem of undying to a T-posing Shrek, whose purpose is to save you from death!

Just see for yourself!

Gasp at his Godly Beauty!

Have an Inventory full of SHREK!

Or just hang out with an ogre!

Works on servers too!

Have Shrek in your hands while on your favorite servers!

Take Shrek with you, wherever you are!

Even works in games!


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Pack Video:

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