Download CoronaVirus Prevention Advices Pack - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: CoronaVirus Prevention Advices Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 792 - Published at: 4 years ago


Due to the recent spread of Covid-19, commonly known as the corona virus, Mojang has started giving out helpful prevention info on the menu page of the Java version of Minecraft. This addon aims to do the same, but for bedrock and pocket edition!

Are you panicked because of the recent outspread of the coronavirus?

This addon gives you helpful tips to prevent contracting the virus, right on your menu screen, and while your worlds load!

Have a look at it:

that’s how the main menu looks like!

here’s how it looks when your worlds are loading:

Cool right? There are way more messages than just these, find them all!

Also, the file size is just around 10kb, it’s most probably the smallest addon on MCPEDL!


If you review this addon, please leave a link to this MCPEDL page. don’t use any other links.

Also, you can apply this pack to a world if you want to, but it will only show the loading messages, not the main menu ones.

Hit a Snag? Found out bugs/errors?

you can contact me here:

Discord: Arshle#5519

Instagram: arshle_

Follow me on Xbox: Arshle

Share this pack with your friends, and help them avoid the virus during self-isolation!

Stay Strong


  1.     Download the texture pack from the link below.
  2.     Click on the file (if it is mcaddon) or unzip it (if it is zip)
  3.     Click Settings in the main menu, scroll down to global resources and apply the pack there.


