Download FireEngine Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: FireEngine Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1214 - Published at: 5 years ago


A fire engine (or a fire truck) is a vehicle which is used primarily for firefighting operations. This particular vehicle has the possibility to transport up to three firefighters at the same time. One will have to act as a the driver and the other two are either on top or in the back of the truck and ready to act in any dangerous situation.

Creator: MyoHtetTwitter Account

How does it work?

Before going out on a mission make sure that you’ve got the necessary items for firefighting. You can obtain the items from the truck by using the Inventory Key on the truck to retrieve them.

You won’t be able to drive the vehicle unless it’s unlocked. To do that you will need a Key. Once that’s set and done then you can drive it and let other users ride it as well.

The fire engine has one seat for the driver, one up top and one in the back. Passengers can throw Balls of Water at fire to put it out. This item is primarily meant for the passenger which is riding on top of the fire engine, but anyone can of course use this item no matter their position.

There are a couple of new items implemented (or rather replaced) and they include the fire truck spawn egg, keys, firefighter armor and the Balls of Water.

You can throw Balls of Water at fire to put it out. It’s recommended that the player on top of the fire truck is the one putting out the fire as he will have the best angle.

General Features

Fire Engine

  • Health: 100 hearts
  • Fire resistance
  • Driveable (max 3 players)


  • Firefighter armor (replaces Chainmail armor)
  • Key (stick) – Unlock/lock the truck
  • Inventory key (blaze rod) – Retrieve firefighting items from truck
  • Ball of Water (Snowball)


  1. Download Resource .McPack
  2. Download Behavior .McPack
  3. Activate the packs for a world in-game

You can get a .ZIP file for this addon here.

