Download BM WarStuffs Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: BM WarStuffs Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1419 - Published at: 5 years ago


This add-on replaces some items in-game with modern weapons and a soldier armor set, and it also replaces a mob with a military vehicle. Turn Minecraft into a more realistic world with modern weapons. All weapons have been made to be as realistic as well both in terms of functionality and textures. As a whole, it’s probably one of the top weapons add-ons currently available!

Creator: MyoHtet, Twitter Account
Updated: 17 April, 2018 (read changelog)

Weapons and Armor

Tactical Armor Set (Chainmail): A soldier armor set which appears to be based on the Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform.

Humvee (Stray): The Humvee is an armored, five-seated military vehicle (max 5 players). (Health: 50 hearts)

Block of Dust Bomb (TNT): It’s a timed explosive which got a bit longer fuse than an ordinary TNT. Besides the explosion, it causes some fire.

Grenade (egg): An explosive which you can throw.

M1911 Pistol (Fishing Rod): A pistol which is perfect for shooting zombies!

RPG (Ender Pearl): A rocket-propelled grenade launcher. (Weight: Makes you walk slower.)

M4A1 (snowball): A scoped assault rifle which is suitable for long range battles. (Weight: Makes you walk slower.)

M95 (Sniper Rifle) (Bow): The M95 is a bolt-action sniper rifle which makes it perfect for eliminating your enemies. (Zoom Effect. Weight: Max – You can’t walk while holding this weapon.)

M249 Gun (Experience Bottle): The M249 is a light machine gun which is able to quick and efficiently take down the enemy.

Knife (Iron Sword): Useful for close combat.


  • M249 Gun (replaces Experience Bottle)
  • Added Humvee (Military Vehicle)
  • Sniper zoom
  • All guns have different weights which makes the player walk slower when holding them

Video Showcase


  1. Download Resources & Behaviors .McAddon
  2. Activate the packs for a world in-game

You can get a .ZIP file for this addon here.

