Download The Quarly Mansion – Chapter I: The Last Friend [Adventure] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: The Quarly Mansion – Chapter I: The Last Friend [Adventure]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 877 - Published at: 4 years ago


This map is one of the oldest map I have done. It is the start of the Quarly Mansion Series, the main story from ROTAR series. The map will be about finding tresure, gameplay allow different type: Parkour/Puzzle/PVE/ETC…

This map was inspired by Eronev Mansion which is an old map originally released one year ago (by the same creator). It’s a story about a man who travels to new and cursed lands. Many have gone before him, but none of them have every come back. He is the last hope of his people, and lonely he has to venture these lands and battle whatever unknowns awaiting him. It’s recommended for 1-2 players.


