Download New Captive Map! - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: New Captive Map!
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1159 - Published at: 4 years ago


You want a challenge? Tired of the survival mod ? If you download this world you going to have custom island and custom achievement ! They’ll be in the nether but also in the end.  Can you get all the achievement ?!


By downloading this map your goal is to finish all the achievements available in the world !

But it won’t be so easy…

To advance in the story you will have to finish the achievements, create your house, make your stuff etc ….

You start with a small island, do achievments to upgrade it ! Every time you get  an achievement your island is growing and you can unlock a lot of stuff and dimension.

Map Custom with multiple dimensions ! 

Overworld :

The Nether !

With Custom  5 achievement  in the New Nether !

If you are brave to go in the nether… be careful, because there the monsters are not very friendly, between the pigmens, the blaze, the wither squellette… you get some action !

The END :

And  5 achievements in the End !

The last island ! Do the doctor’s quests and finish the map ! Careful not to make eye contact with the enderman …

And so much to discover !

Start Your adventure NOW !


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