An awesome build battle map to challenge your building abilities along with your friends! TK- Build Battle build battle map includes different categories to test your building skills and opens a whole new different aspect of the classic build battle.
Building with your friends is already fun, but have you ever tried building against them? In this world, you get to test your skills and have fun! This world allows up to 6 players building against each other in creative.
To build, you get to randomly choose a topic that is in the specified groups of:
Television Shows/Movies
Random Objects
Which all have 9 categories.
In the game itself, we have not built in a timer however, in the future, we will upgrade the world and surprise you all so for now, you can take your time or set a timer yourself.
This game supports up to 1.12 to 1.14.
If you have any other requests, please comment them down below and we will take them into consideration.
Credits: ssunflowerbbaby novamistake kawaiispoon5422 balloonsoap8530 

Click on the link and then press download! It is that easy!