Download griefer4ever: 70+ Gold Ores - Minecraft PE Seeds
MC: griefer4ever: 70+ Gold Ores
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1198 - Published at: 5 years ago


Ever wanted to get rich quick in Minecraft? Now you can. In this seed you will spawn in a world where we will show you how to get to a mesa biome and mine a total of 72 gold ores!

At spawn walk straight ahead over the little hill and you will soon get to a village. Go to the center of the village to the blacksmith and get the stuff in the chest.

If you turn right at the village you will see a mesa biome. Go toward the mesa mountains and enter the cave where the arrow is pointing in the image below.


Here you will find your twelve first gold ores.a2

Continue left down the tunnel and you will find another gold ore. Then go down further a bit until you reach two different path options. Take the path leading to the right and you will find a few more.


Go further into the mountain and make the first turn to your right and guess what you will find? More gold ores. By now you should have collected about 48 gold ores.


There are loads of more gold ores to be find in this huge cave and tunnel system. If you want a more thorough guide how to find them all then look at the video below.

Seed: griefer4ever

