Download Rock Stars Mod - Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
MC: Rock Stars Mod
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
Viewed: 886 - Published at: 5 years ago


Always wanted to become a famous rock star or do you just love music and would like to be able to experiment with it in Minecraft? Either way, this is the mod for you. It adds one drum set, two guitars, one bass and five world famous rock bands. All the intrustments can be played and offer similar functionalities to how they are played in real life.

Creator: ElKurco, Twitter Account
Updated: 9 August, 2016


Place down the drums and then tap on the chair to have a seat.

  • Drums (1999) – 3 oak wood + 3 iron ingots + 2 gold ingots
  • Stick (280) – 2 wood planks


Before you can actually play the drums you will need at least one stick. While sitting at the drum set and holding a stick long-tap the drum set and look down and a new GUI (graphical user interface) will appear.

To start playing simply hit the button depending on which drum you want to hit.


Electric Guitars

No rock band is complete without a guitar player. There are two guitars to choose from and both of them sound pretty much the same.

To play the guitar simply hold it in your hand and use the buttons on the right side of the screen to play on the guitar strings.

  • Kurt Cobain’s Guitar (2000) – 1 oak wood plank + 1 stick + 1 cyan dye + 1 oak wood + 1 rose red
  • Eddie Vedder’s Guitar (2001) – 1 oak wood plank + 1 stick + 1 bone meal + 1 oak wood + 1 ink sack


The Bass

The bass is important to keep a solid rhytm in your songs. It’s used similar to the guitars but sounds much different.

  • Gene Simon’s Bass (2002) – 1 oak wood plank ´1 stick + 1 ink sack + 1 iron ingot + 1 oak wood


Rock Bands

Arrange rock concerts with some of the most popular bands in the history of rock ‘n’ roll! The bands currently include The Beatles, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, KISS and Sex Pistols.

Place down a drum set and then tap on it with one of the CD discs to spawn the band members. Long-tap and hold your finger over one of the band members to select the song you want them to play.

rock-stars-2rock-stars-3 rock-stars-1

  • Empty Disc (2003) – 8 coal
  • Drum Set (2000) – 3 oak wood + 3 iron ingots + 2 gold ingots
  • Guitar (2001) – 1 oak wood plank + 1 stick + 3 oak wood
  • Bass (2002) – 1 oak wood plank + 1 stick + 3 oak wood
  • Nirvana CD  (2004) – 1 empty disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum set + 1 bass + 2 note blocks + 2 moss blocks
  • Pearl Jam CD (2005) – 1 empty disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum set + 1 bass + 2 note blocks + 2 sand blocks
  • KISS CD (2006) – 1 empty disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum set + 1 bass + 2 note blocks + 2 iron blocks
  • The Beatles CD (2007) – 1 empty disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum set + 1 bass + 2 note blocks + 2 oak wood planks
  • Sex Pistols CD (2008)  – 1 empty disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum set + 1 bass + 2 note blocks + 2 glass blocks

Install Guide

  1. Download the .modpkg file.
  2. Use this guide to install it. If BlockLauncher is closed after you’ve imported the .modpkg file just wait for it to load again by itself.
  3. To be on the safe side, restart BlockLauncher and then open it again and enjoy the new features in-game!


