Download OY TNT WARS - Minecraft PE Maps
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1253 - Published at: 4 years ago


This map is a nether based/themed TNTWARS it is made with effort by EnderKid1243 and killerthepro124 this is our first map but feel free to criticize I hope everyone likes it there are two teams the blue team and the red team  this game should be played 2+people both teams make their own tnt cannon to destroy the wall when you spawn you will go to survival and kill your self then you will spawn in the lobby once you spawn in the lobby read the rules which are accessed using the rules button once done choose even teams and start making tnt cannons to destroy the wall and your opponent/opponents.

This map is a nether based/themed TNTWARS it is made with effort by EnderKid1243 and killerthepro124 this is our first map but feel free to criticize I hope everyone likes It it sadly doesn’t have dispensers so feel free to /give dispensers you will spawn in the lobby half crimson half warped then you click the rules read the rules in game then start you need 2+ people 

build tnt cannons and start breaking the wall the only obstacle between you and victory then blow your enemy up

You can add to this map and make videos just make sure that you atleast shout us out  

if you are stuck search for tnt wars


Click the drop box link

click export 

click share to minecraft


