Download Isle of Berk - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Isle of Berk
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1372 - Published at: 5 years ago


Experience the magic of Berk from the How to Train Your Dragon series in Minecraft. This current build is a smaller version of Berk and doesn’t have nearly all the locations of Berk. Stay tuned for updates on the map as more and more areas get added!

Welcome to Berk!

This map is a fan recreation of the Isle of Berk. This build is sort of an original take on Berk. What I mean by that is a lot of the terrain and area locations will be different. I am not striving to make a perfect recreation. I am attempting to make a faithful fan recreation implementing many of the iconic areas of Berk. See below for the current view of Berk and it’s current locations!

A look at Berk

Points of Interest:

Fishleg’s Hut

Snotlout’s Hut

Tuffnut and Ruffnut’s Hut

Astrid’s Hut

Hiccup’s Hut

Gothi’s Hut

Other Views:

Town Center

Some Interior Hut Views


