Download TNT FIGHT (Beta) - Minecraft PE Maps
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1279 - Published at: 5 years ago


TNT FIGHT  is a little minigame where you put down a tnt on the ground and try to kill your enemies so you can win! It is basically a PvP minigame but the weapon is only tnt.

TNT FIGHT  is still in BETA but is still playable an enjoyable.

Here’s how it goes:

First you will be met with the beautiful lobby.

Then You will pick either HARD MODE (still in progress) or TEAM MODE.

then you have to pick your teams RED or BLUE.

After, you will wear your armor and get tnt

Then You will get teleported in an arena to FIGHT!

And the rest is fun but you still have to follow some rules:


*You can’t place TNT 2 or more times in a row.

*You can’t break anything.

*Don’t do anything else but fun, it ruins the game.

*You can’t play this in single player.

*And have fun!.

Thank you!

(Warning: a lot of thing are still in progress and expect less because this  is on BETA and only has the team mode and also this only was only made by one person, suggestions and comments will help.)


How to install:

*Go to Mediafire or .mcworld link.

*Download the .mcworld or .zip

*if You picked the Mediafire link go to a file explorer

*copy the .zip file

*go to games

*go to minecraft

*go to minecraftworlds

*paste the file

*pick extract to

*And choose current directory

*go to MCPE and have fun!


