Download Notchland Amusement Park [Roller Coaster] [Minigame] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Notchland Amusement Park [Roller Coaster] [Minigame]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 876 - Published at: 5 years ago


Notchland is one of the largest and most popular amusement parks in Minecraft. There are more than 70 different attractions including everything from roller coasters to awesome minigame. If you enjoy amusement parks (which I assume most of you do) then this is really a must-play. And this is actually an official port by the original PC creators themselves.

Credits: LEISUREGAMING & Tyrael242 (original PC map), Forelogical (converted the map),  cynodontA (conversion tool) (You can read a note from the creator further down.)
Updated: 1 July, 2017 (everything is 100% functional!)

Note from the creator: “Hello all I am the creator of Notchland. This Amusement park was built on xbox 360 when creative mode came out by me and Tyrael242. Took 8 months to build, no mcedit or mods. It was built for my daughter and has been featured by many of youtubers. It is currently available for download on xbox 360, ps, pc, and now pe with over 600,000+ downloads! The other download on this site doesn’t work, 75% of the blocks are missing, and it is a port by someone called the mexican unicorn that stole my map. Please don’t download it and download this version! This was converted by Forelogical. Built by me and Tyrael242 and the tool used to convert from pc to pe was made by cynodontA.”


