CursedCraft is a map in which we try to modify the gameplay we know, so that all the content it brings is made only with Commands!
*Herobrine Entry System
* Herobrine Output System
* Random octopus rain
* Stick farm in your head
* Water gives you random effects once you have contact with it
* Rainbow Sheeps spawn around the world
* Changes in the gravity of the Arrows and EnderPearls
* Some villagers speak
* Wood complains if you break it
* Anti-Bridge System
* Aether?
-New Mobs:
* Jack o ‘Zombie
* Jack o ‘Skeleton
* Rainbow Sheep
* Fake pigs
* Fake Chicken
* Fake cows
* Anti-gold piglins
-New Items:
* Shotgun
* Intrap
* Achu
* Eternal Fire Obsidian
* Mortal Totem
-New structures:
* OverWorld City
* Bastion Delta
* Cabin Ruins
-EasterEggs Total: (2)
Twitter: @ElGaboMC1


Click to see installation information!
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