Download [0.2] Find My Diary! - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: [0.2] Find My Diary!
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1142 - Published at: 4 years ago


Thanks to TGAiman and Prox helping me to create this map. Have you ever lost a diary? Let’s go as Cody travels in search of a lost diary! This map created for singleplayer adventure map.

Do you just lose your Diary?
Now it is time for an adventure! Find it before something Happen!!
Version 0.3 Updates!

You need to find you diary in some place. books are hidden in unexpected places or in hidden places. You will be adventure in every Chapter in this map!

Map created by TGLucky

Find your diary in a secret chest then throw it on top of diamond. Figure out all the traps!


  1. Find the Diary in the maps
  2. Then, throw it on top of the Diamond Block!

(Throw it on top of Diamond Block to win)

Chapter I

You were just a boy named Cody tried to find your own Diary in your own house. But you need to figured out how to get out from your house!

Chapter II

It is a school day. Going to school might be fun but not with the bullies! Flash the well-known bully are playing a trick to you. You need to help Caiden find his own Diary!

Give your feedback to my social media

Twitter: @TGLucky04

Youtube: TGLucky


Zip Maps Instruction

  1. Download the .zip map
  2. Find your .zip
  3. Unzip the file to create world folder
  4. Copy the world folder to the following path: /storage/emulated/0/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds

McWorld Tutorial

  1. Downlod the .mcworld map
  2. Find the .mcworld file and tap on it to import it to your game. The world should automatically launch in-game.


