Download Mutant Zombie Addon (Vote for next Mutant!) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Mutant Zombie Addon (Vote for next Mutant!)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1459 - Published at: 5 years ago


This add-on adds the Mutant Zombie Boss which is BASED ON the zombie from the PC Mod Mutant Creatures. I would like to give thanks to thehippomaster21 for the zombie’s inspiration.

Vote for the next mutant you would like to see:


If you are not already aware of the Mutant Zombie, it is basically a beefed up version of a normal zombie with 150 health. It has many abilities which include smashing the ground to damage enemies, calling for backup in the form of several zombie minions, and even resurrecting himself after being defeated. 

PC MOD CREATOR: thehippmaster21

Link to PC Mod:

As shown above, the Mutant Zombie is a very large, buff version of the normal zombie. Here are its general stats:

  • 150 Health
  • Attacks Villagers, Players, Iron Golems, etc. (What zombies attack)
  • Melee Attack that does 10-14 damage (Main attack)
  • Occasionally calls for reinforcements (6 Zombies spawn in a circle around it)
  • Spawns rarely in places where normal zombies would spawn
  • Drops the Hulk Hammer
  • Can destroy villages and plants (This can be turned off with mob griefing or by downloading the “No Grief” Behaviors)
  • If he is defeated, he will fall down and there is a 70% of him getting back up

Warning: Don’t let the Mutant Zombie break into your village! It will make quick work of all the villagers there! 

Here you can see the Mutant calling for backup. He will start yelling and waving his arms in order to call for his zombie minions for backup. 


If you do manage to defeat the zombie in combat (not an easy task), he will collapse for around 6 seconds (you can’t kill him in this state). Then, there is a 70% chance that he will rise again with 40 health. (30% chance that he will dissipate and drop the hulk hammer.) 

^Fallen Mutant Zombie

There IS a way to ensure that the zombie stays down when he falls: set him on fire (when he is down). Then, he will catch on fire and die after a few seconds: 

Hulk Hammer:

Defeating the Mutant Zombie is definitely not an easy task. Thus, you will be rewarded nicely for slaying this monster. The Mutant Zombie has a 100% chance to drop a hulk hammer upon death. The hammer has 128 uses and does 7 attack damage when used to hit a mob. However, if you wait still for a bit with the hammer in your hand, it will show a “Smash!” button. Clicking this button will cause an AOE (Area of effect) cloud around you that does 5 damage and pushes back all entities around you. However, this uses 2 durability points on the hammer, so be wise on how you use it. (You can get a maximum of 64 smash attacks from one hammer)


  1. This is not a port of the original PC Mod. I had to recreate the models and behaviors from scratch (There is no easy “convert button”) Thus, the zombie’s geometry, texture, and animations are not completely accurate.
  2. for anyone looking to make videos on this addon: please credit me, thehippomaster21, and in your video. 


Turn on Experimental Gameplay! 

Click on the links, and then click “Skip Add”. This should bring you to the media fire download page.

Report any bugs in the comments! Also vote for the mutant creature you would like to see next!


