Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1218 - Published at: 5 years ago
Sick of the horrible trades from the wandering trader that seems to show up at your house every five minutes? Well have a little more fun with new modded variants of the wandering traders, including new professions such as an explorer and an importer.
Hello, I’m amosmoses2, and today I bring you the More Wandering Traders Addon. What does it do? It adds two variants (and more to come) of the wandering trader.
Note- In order for this addon to work, you MUST have experimental gameplay toggled on your world.
The addon has got a brand new update!
There has been a new trader around, bringing the total Wandering Trader professions to 4.
Do you spot the new trader, dressed in green? He is the gardener, bringing you resources from several different biomes. He carries a pig with him, cause why not?
His trades seem very similar to the regular old wandering trader, so in the future I plan on changing the default one to be a little more versatile.
Anyways, the gardener will always have a random seed, a type of wood, a type of sapling, a type of dye, either a vine or lilypad, and a random biome-specific item (mushroom, flower, packed ice, etc.)
Also new to the table, the vintage trader has been updated. He brings a herd of sheeps with him.
Not only does he carry five vintage wools with him, but also one out of six of the new vintage blocks. Remember, these blocks can only be obtained from him, don’t miss out!
The six new blocks are the vintage brick block, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, gravel, iron block and sponge, each sporting its old texture like the wools. And the vintage sponge block, completely useless like the original. Sweet!
Below shows the vintage wool on top and the regular wool of today’s update (1.14) on the bottom. The vintage wools sport the OG textures from back in the old days of Minecraft
This is the Explorer Trader, dressed in yellow. He brings with him an ocelot.
He carries special maps for you to take, as well as some useful supplies. But the special part is that the maps can lead to a variety of different structures, with chances for the following locations: Woodland Mansion, Ocean Monument, Buried Treasure, Mineshaft, Pillager Outpost, Ocean Ruins, Shipwreck and Stronghold.
With this variety, this could make him more useful than the average cartographer.
And here’s a little bit of proof that these maps are fully functional. As you can see on my left hand, I am holding a Village Map. The green arrow indicates where the village is, and the white one indicates where I am. I am looking towards the village, so yes, this is definitely functional. (sorry it might be hard to see but you get the idea)
I do plan on expanding this in the future, such as more vintage blocks as well as some new professions. I’m thinking about adding a black market trader that can only be accessed by giving any wandering trader a special key you can only find in chests, or something like that.
Thanks for downloading.
1. Download both the Behavior pack and Resource pack
2. Import them into Minecraft (varies by platform)
3. Add the packs to your world
4. Toggle Experimental Gameplay
5. Load the world