Download Music+ Resource Pack - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Music+ Resource Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1337 - Published at: 5 years ago


This pack makes some changes to how the in-game music plays. People who enjoy listening to Minecraft’s music will find this pack improves the way Minecraft music works! It’s perfect for anyone who want a more pleasurable experience while playing the game.

Creator: AgentMindStorm, Twitter Account, YouTube Channel

Universal Features

The following features are global, meaning they affect all pack options unless stated otherwise.

  • Music plays constantly with no silent periods
  • All songs play at 0.5 volume
  • Shuniji, Dragon Fish, and Axolotl from Java Edition have been added
  • All unused songs from the official soundtrack have been added
  • Festive versions of Ballad of the Cats, Warmth, and The End have been added
  • Creative, Survival, Menu, and Water music plays interchangeably
  • End and Boss play interchangeably
  • Dog plays after the Cat music disc (Easter egg from Console Edition)
  • The “11” music disc has been replaced with Minecraft Volume Alpha’s “Eleven”, an actual song.
  • The “ward” music disc has been replaced with Minecraft Volume Beta’s “Ward”, a remixed version of the original disc
  • Any individual song can be played with the command “/playsound song.[song_name] @s”
  • Music disc music will still exclusively play from the jukebox regardless of setting chosen below

Pack Options

There are multiple different pack options. Each one includes different features and music tracks.

  • Default – This is the normal setting for the pack with all the features listed above.
  • Native Music – This limits the music to songs that are in some version of the game.
  • Festive Music – This limits the music to festive songs.
  • No Water Music – This is the exact same as Native Music, but without Shuniji, Dragon Fish, or Axolotl.
  • Old Music – This uses the music from before the 2013 Music Update. It doesn’t use Creative, Water, Nether, End, Credits, or Menu music.
  • Old Music+ – This is almost the same as Old Music, the difference being that it still uses Nether, End, and Credits music.
  • Total Mix – This lets any music, including Credits, End, Boss, Nether, Water, Menu, Survival, and Creative play at any time.
  • No Automatic Music – This stops music from playing automatically. It’s meant for players who want to manually play songs with commands.

You can switch the pack mode by going to Global Resources in Settings and selecting the gear.


