MC: April Fool’s 2018 Texture Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1189 - Published at: 5 years ago
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1189 - Published at: 5 years ago
This brings the “upgraded” textures from Java Edition’s 2018 April Fool’s Day prank to Bedrock Edition! You too can now play with truly beautiful textures.
Creator: AgentMindStorm, Twitter, YouTube Channel. Credit to CrizArtEX for bed modeling.
Published: April 1st, 2018
Every single texture from the original Java Edition prank is in this resource pack.
Textures in the pack include:
- All blocks*
- All items* (even potions, spawn eggs, tipped arrows, clock, and compass)
- All entities*
- Main menu panorama
- HUD interface
- Status effects
*Textures newer than 4/1/18 not included.
The splash texts are also changed to the special ones that only appeared while the messed-up textures were in the game.