Download Miner Simulator - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Miner Simulator
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1252 - Published at: 4 years ago


Miner Simulator is a mining game where you mine ores and sell them for a sartain amount of money (purse).

You can upgrade your tools, unlock caves and unlock new PowerUps.

The map is multiplayer.

– How to play ?

Every ore you mine it will gives you an amount of money (Purse).

Every tier of ore you get higher more amount of money you’ll receive.

You can find crates and shop in Melted villages.

– Caves & ores :

Every cave has his own tier of ores, you need to unlock the cave to be able to visit it, some of caves has End rock and also has spawners that spawn End rock souls (Deal no damage but do huge knockback).

– Ores system :

Iron ore drop 1 to 3 coins.

Gold ore drop 3 to 7 coins

Lapis lazuli ore drop 3 to 9 coins

Diamond ore drop 10 to 17 coins

Emerald ore drop 16 to 24 coins

– Caves systemc :

South Land is a free starting cave that spawn in the back of green Volley, it’s a the deepest cave.

Green Volley is a second big cave, it has lot of iron and one end rock, the cave is linked to Volcano rooms and deep Volley.

Volacon rooms is a hot room that’s filled with diamonds, golds, end rock souls and iron.

Deep Volley is a Volley that’s rich with lapis lazuli with an end rock in the middle of it.

Brocken ice is the biggest cave, it has extremely expansive ore such as emeralds but it’s filled with end rock souls.

Melted villages is a small path that guide to the crates and shops where you will be able to open your crate chests and buy exclusive items and caves.

– End rocks :

End rocks are an unknown blocks but they have a weird energy where it repair your tools, heal your health bar and fill your hunger bar.

– PowerUps :

Blade haste you need 2 lucky blade to can unlock this powerup, this power gives you infinte hast and strength.

Speed it’s the cheapest powerUps, it boost your speed by 130%

End soul is a power that refill your health bar and fill your hunger bar but it’s less quickly than the original end rock.

– Here is some pictures of the map :


