Download Logdotzip Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Logdotzip Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 2022 - Published at: 5 years ago


Have you ever wanted a new challenge in Minecraft Bedrock? A new boss? A new pet? Do you like the youtuber Logdotzip? If you do, then this addon is perfect for you. It adds the great youtuber Logdotzip.


This addon adds a very strong boss called Logdotzip. He has many powerful abilities. But, before we get to that, I have to tell you how to summon him. I thought you should be able to summon Logdotzip in survival. So first, you have to place a repeating command block then type in /function logdotzip. Then, put it to always active. After typing that, you must craft a beacon. Once crafting the beacon drop it.

Tutorial for summoning:

Go to watch the tutorial.


Be ready, Logdotzip is powerful. He can summon little clones of himself called Logdotminions. They are smaller versions of himself. It is quite hard to tell the difference between them. Here’s a hit Logdotzip doesn’t do anything. He just runs around.


Logdotzip has 340 health. He runs around a lot and hides. I suggest fighting him in a plains biome so you can find him easily. In other biomes you’ll probable find dozens of Logdotminions.

Loot Tables:

Logdotzip will drop two LogdotBlocks and 10-60 diamonds. The Logdotblocks can be crafted into a Logdotsword. The Logdotsword is a powerful weapon that can destroy Logdotzip in around 3-5 hits.

How to Craft Logdotsword:



This addon also adds a chicken named Drumstick. When you defeat Logdotzip, Drumstick will immediately spawn.  To tame him give him some golden carrots.

Drumstick Textures:


Apply the addon to minecraft then when making the world turn on experimental gameplay.


