Download More Player Sizes Beta! V2 - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: More Player Sizes Beta! V2
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 937 - Published at: 4 years ago


This add-on allows you to choose two new types of players; giants and babies;

Giants are much stronger than normal players;

Babies are not but they are a little faster than normal players, and you can also “mount” other players with up to three players in each.

You may ask, “How does it work?”

It’s pretty easy, you just need a golden apple and know what size you want to transform.

If you want to become a baby just use the golden apple in the Evocation Illager (Evoker):

– Babies can go through holes 1 block high (but run if you don’t …).

– Babies have 16 health points and 1 attack damage (normal players now have 1.5 attack damage) and are slightly faster than normal players

– Up to 3 babies or normal players can ride on a normal player (PiggyBack?)

If you are going to become a giant use it on the witch:

– Giants are … giants

– Giants have 40 health and 6 attack damage and are slightly slower than normal players

– Giants can NOT ride horses(makes sense)

and to return to normal use it in the Iron Golem

Note: it is difficult to keep the mobs mentioned above in the same place, you are warned, bOoO


