Download IdeaCraft Mod - Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
MC: IdeaCraft Mod
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
Viewed: 1339 - Published at: 5 years ago


What does an old train, a lucky block and a hamster cage have in common? Absolutely nothing. The idea of IdeaCraft is to add anything which is unusual but can in some way be beneficial for the gameplay. There are lots of fun items to explore besides the ones mentioned and some of them are even quite useful. The gravity gun and jet pack are two such examples.

Creator: ElvinDevs (Twitter), Randomdudesz (Twitter), MedoTEM (Twitter)

How to get the items?

All of the blocks can be easily obtained in-game by using the following text command: /giveidea

If you rather use crafting recipes then we’ve listed all of them further down on this page.

Some of the items act as furniture (e.g. the old train and the 3D bookshelf). Use the Remove Block (ID: 602) to remove it and Rotate Block (ID: 601) to rotate it.

Gravity Gun (ID: 603): The gravity gun can be used on mobs only. Tap once on a mob to pick it up and then tap on it again to release it from your hold.


Hamster Cage (ID: 604): It’s similar to a furniture. Place it down and use it for decorating your house. There is really no other use for it right now.


Jet Pack (ID: 607): Boosts you straight up into the air. Change your active slot to something else to disable it.


Water Bottle (ID: 608): Heals 3 HP.


3D Bookshelf (ID: 609): A furniture which can be used for decorating your home.


Lucky Block (ID: 610): Prepare yourself for madness. Sometimes you are lucky and you get some nice shining armor but your next try might prove more deadly.


Time Freeze (ID: 612), Time Unfreeze (614): Tap on the ground to freeze all nearby mobs. It sure makes killing easy!


Old Train (ID: 613): Spawns an old train. There’s really not much use for it but it looks kind of cool.


Computer (ID: 616): A basic computer which can be used for doing internet searches on Google.


Treasure (ID: 617): The treasure chest is just a furniture. It can’t be opened or destroyed for treasures.


Nerf Gun (ID: 611): A quite harmless weapon. It automatically fires loads of empty shells which cause no damage.


Spawn Hamster (ID: 618): A cute tiny animal. It’s a friendly mob so make sure to treat it nicely!


Spawn Submarine (ID: 619): This is a yellow submarine. You can’t ride it. It will just sit still wherever you place it.


Frozen Boot (ID: 620): It’s supposed to turn water into ice. It didn’t work when I tested it but it will likely be fixed very soon.


Yellow TNT (ID: 621): Use a flint and steel to ignite the TNT. Causes a big explosion.


Orange TNT (ID: 622): Get a flint and steel and use it to ignite the TNT. This one causes a large explosion.


Green TNT (ID: 624): The TNT can be ignited with flint and steel. This TNT block will cause an explosion fixed to a strict squared area.


Black TNT (ID: 624): The black TNT works similar to the other ones, ignite it with flint and steel to cause an epic explosion.


Spawn Girl (ID: 625): These girls can all be spawned using the same spawn egg. You can’t interact with them currently.


Creepers will now look different as they will spawn with different textures. Each creeper also explodes differently, such as the orange creeper will drop carrots and the blue creeper will drop water.

creepers-1 creepers-2

Bats now spawn with different textures. Some will look like flying mini pigs and others like endermen.


Item IDs & Crafting Recipes

  • Road Blocks (33, 34) – 1 cyan stained clay + 1 gray stained clay
  • Road Blocks (84, 36) – 1 cyan stained clay + 1 white stained clay
  • Rotate Block (601) – 9 design blueprint
  • Remove Block (602) – 9 design blueprint
  • Gravity Gun (603) – 5 iron ingots + 2 design blueprint + 1 fusion core
  • Hamster Cage (604) – 6 light blue stained clay + 3 design blueprint
  • Design Blueprint (605) – 1 oak planks
  • Fusion Core (606) – 5 diamonds + 4 gold ingots
  • Jet Pack (607) – 5 iron ingots + 2 design blueprint + 1 fusion core
  • Water Bottle (608) – 1 potion
  • 3D Bookshelf (609) – 1 bookshelf + 8 design blueprint
  • Lucky Block (610) – 8 gold ingots + 1 design blueprint
  • Nerf Gun (611)
  • Time Freeze (612) – 6 design blueprint + 2 fusion core + 1 clock
  • Time Unfreeze (614) – 6 design blueprint + 2 fusion core + 1 clock
  • Spawn Old Train (613)
  • WiFi (615)
  • Computer (616)
  • Treasure (617)
  • Spawn Hamster (618)
  • Spawn Submarine (619)
  • Frozen Boot (620)
  • Yellow TNT (621)
  • Orange TNT (622)
  • Green TNT (623)
  • Black TNT (624)
  • Spawn Girl (625)

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