Download Earth Banner Add-on (1.12+) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Earth Banner Add-on (1.12+)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 939 - Published at: 5 years ago


This was an idea given to me by a friend. Since a new installment to the Minecraft universe is just right around the corner, why not raise some colors to to show your support! These are custom made banners that use more than 200 individual textures. 16 base colors multiplied by 16 pattern colors to suit your taste of hues.

How to use

  • You can spawn 16 base colors.

  • If you want to make the pattern appear, use any dye on the custom banner. Long-press with your mobile device, right-click with windows 10.
  • With this, there is actually more than 250 versions of this banner you can use.

  • They cannot be affected by gravity as well.


  • This add-on is updated to the latest beta.
  • If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description
  • Don't use your own link, use the proper link on MCPEDL
  • If you wish to use this for your content, at least credit me.


