Download RalphOfficial’s Lucky Block Addon! - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: RalphOfficial’s Lucky Block Addon!
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 902 - Published at: 4 years ago


Ok ok now. I am sure you all are TIRED of seeing all of these lucky block addons. But this one, ladies and gentlemen, is a different one. The sole purpose of this addon is for challenges for youtube videos. Thats right. Ladies and gentlemen, Hold your horses, I bring you, (drum rolll…….) RalphOfficial’s Lucky Block Addon!

This addon adds a total of 6 lucky block types! Here are all of them listed down below!

1. Lucky Block! (Classic blocks)

2. Leather Lucky Block! (Gives leather loot and armor!)

3. Iron Lucky Block! (Gives iron loot and armor!)

4. Gold Lucky Block! (The most useless one because no one likes gold>:[ )

5. Diamond Lucky Block! (Gives diamond loot and armor!)  

6. Netherite Lucky Block! (Gives netherite loot and armor!)

Here they are properly descripted!

1. Lucky Block!


1. Diamond Block

2. Diamond

3. Brick Block

4. Totem of Undying

5. Golden Apple

6.  Dirt Block

7. Book

8. Beacon

9. Dragon Egg

10. Notch Apple

11. Netherite Sword (randomly enchanted)

12. Wool (Random colour)

13. Iron Bars

I know this seems very useless

2. Leather Lucky Block!


1. Leather

2. Leather Helmet

3. Leather Chestplate

4. Leather Leggings

5. Leather Boots

6. Wooden Sword (Randomly enchanted)

7. Enchanted Book

This one is the most harmless I’d say

3. Iron Lucky Block!

1. Iron Helmet

2. Iron Chestplate

3. Iron Leggings

4. Iron Boots

5. Iron sword (Randomly Enchanted)

6. Iron Ingot

7. Iron Nugget

I’d say this one is the most decent one.

4 .Gold Lucky Block!


1. Gold Ingot

I made this intentionally very useless cuz no one likes gold>:(

5. Diamond Lucky Block


1. Diamond Helmet

2. Diamond Chestplate

3. Diamond Leggings

4. Diamond Boots

5. Diamond Sword (Randomly Enchanted)

6. Diamond

7. Diamond Block

8. Dirt Block (cuz why not)

Decently OP

6. Netherite Lucky Block!


1. Netherite Helmet

2. Netherite Chestplate

3. Netherite Leggings

4. Netherite Boots

5. Netherite Sword (Randomly Enchanted)

6. Netherite Scrap

7. Ancient Debris

One of my favorites

And that sums up the entire addon!

I really hope you enjoy this addon. If you have any sort of problem or bug related to this addon or related to any of my other creations, then you can comment down below in the comment section or contact me on Twitter: @ralphofficial5. Dm’s are always open!

Anyways, I am gonna go get lunch cuz I am super hungry rn. I’ll catch ya guys later!

Stay Home! Stay Safe! and Keep that mask on! Peace out!


