Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1818 - Published at: 4 years ago
Hello and welcome to the Dragon armor addon. This addon adds some items, swords and the main part of this addon: the Dragon armor. Its a strong armor that is stronger and has a higher durability than diamond.
All these items are also craftable and this addon is multiplayer compatible (that means you can play this addon with your friends).
Well this addon adds 1 sword, 1 armor (4 armor pieces) and 5 items to craft the armor.
These items are not too overpowered and not too expensive and they fit very well into vanilla minecraft.
First lets start of with the items.
There are 5 items in this addon:
The obsidian shard:
Is used to craft dragon scales
I don’t know why i added these shards but i needed something to craft the scales because i can’t really make new mobs.
Here is an image of the obsidian shards:
Crafting recipe:
1 obsidian
You will get 4 obsidian shards.
Magic powder:
Is used to craft magic emerald shard.
Its also eatable and will give you some effects.
I won’t tell you what effects because it should be a surprise.
Here is an image of the magic powder:
Crafting recipe:
1 redstone dust
4 glowstone dust
You will get 1 magic powder
Special ability: You can eat the powder and will get a surprise.
Magic emerald shard:
Is used to craft the dragon scales.
I must say that i also added them because the dragon scale is green and it would be stupid if you would craft them with just black shards.
Here is an image of the Magic emerald shard:
Crafting recipe:
2 emeralds
2 magic powder
You will get 8 magic emerald shard.
Dragon tooth:
Is used to craft the armor and sword.
If there is something missing in an addon that adds something like dragons there must be a dragon tooth.
Here is an image of the Dragon tooth:
Crafting recipe:
1 bone
1 bone block
You will get 1 dragon tooth.
Dragon gem:
Is used to craft the armor.
This is a powerful gem that is a bit expensive but you will need it to craft the armor
Here is an image of the Dragon gem:
Crafting recipe:
1 diamond
4 magic emerald shards
You will get 1 Dragon gem.
Dragon scale:
Is used to craft the armor and the sword.
Here is an image of the Dragon scale:
Crafying recipe:
3 obsidian shards
4 magic emerald shards
You will get 1 dragon scale
That are all items. Lets get to the armor.
That is what the full armor set looks like on a armor stand:
It took a long time to make the textures for this armor and i hope you like them.
And now lets get to the single pieces:
Dragon helmet:
Here is an image of the Dragon helmet:
Crafting recipe:
6 dragon scales
2 dragon tooth
You will get 1 dragon helmet.
Durability: 2000
Protects: 15
Knockback resistance: 10
Dragon chestplate:
Here is an image of the Dragon chestplate:
Crafting recipe:
7 dragon scales
1 dragon gem
You will get 1 dragon chestplate.
Durability: 4000
Protects: 25
Knockback resistance: 10
Dragon leggins:
Here is an image of the dragon leggins.
Crafting recipe:
5 dragon scales
2 dragon gems
You will get 1 dragon leggins.
Durability: 3000
Protects: 25
Knockback resistance: 10
Dragon boots:
Here is an image of the dragon boots:
Crafting recipe:
4 dragon scales
2 dragon tooth
You will get 1 dragon boots
Durability: 2000
Protects: 15
Knockback resistance: 10
So that was the armor. Now lets get to the sword:
The dragon sword:
Damage: 10
Effects: no
This sword is better than netherite and perfect for the end fight so you should defenetly craft it.
Here is an image of the dragon sword:
Crafting recipe:
1 stick
2 dragon scales
2 magic emerald shards
2 dragon tooth
You will get 1 dragon sword.
Thats all. I hope you like this addon
You can find all the itema in the creative inventory.
You have to enable holyday creator features and additional modding capacities.
You are not allowed to publish this addon on other websites.
If your making a video about this addon you have to credit me
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