Download Blockimals! - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Blockimals!
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1295 - Published at: 4 years ago


This addon adds over 50 Chicken, Sheep & Cow Mutants across the Over World, Nether and The End!

Naturally spawning yet also purchasable from the wandering trader for the steep price of diamonds, this addon makes the perfect addition to all play styles.

This addon adds over 50 Chicken, Sheep & Cow Mutants across the Over World, Nether and The End! 

Naturally spawning yet also purchasable from the wandering trader for the steep price of diamonds, this addon makes the perfect addition to all play styles. 

Want some mini mutants? Crafting the special new “Mutant Seeds” will allow you to breed your block infused pals! 

Can you collect them all? 

Full Mutant List

  1. Andesite Chicken Mutant
  2. Apple Chicken Mutant
  3. Bamboo  Chicken Mutant
  4. Basalt  Chicken Mutant
  5. Blackstone  Chicken Mutant
  6. Gilded Blackstone  Chicken Mutant
  7. Clay  Chicken Mutant
  8. Cobblestone  Chicken Mutant
  9. Crimson Nylium  Chicken Mutant
  10. Crimson Stem  Chicken Mutant
  11. Diorite   Chicken Mutant
  12. Dirt   Chicken Mutant
  13. Endstone  Chicken Mutant
  14. Glowstone  Chicken Mutant
  15. Gravel  Chicken Mutant
  16. Honey  Chicken Mutant
  17. Ice  Chicken Mutant
  18. Leaves  Chicken Mutant
  19. Magma  Chicken Mutant
  20. Melon  Chicken Mutant
  21. Mossy Cobblestone  Chicken Mutant
  22. Brown Mushroom  Chicken Mutant
  23. Red Mushroom  Chicken Mutant
  24. Mycelium  Chicken Mutant
  25. Netherrack  Chicken Mutant
  26. Oak  Chicken Mutant
  27. Podzol  Chicken Mutant
  28. Prismarine  Chicken Mutant
  29. Pumpkin  Chicken Mutant
  30. Sugarcane  Chicken Mutant
  31. Sand  Chicken Mutant
  32. Sandstone  Chicken Mutant
  33. Shroomlight  Chicken Mutant
  34. Soul Sand  Chicken Mutant
  35. Soul Soul  Chicken Mutant
  36. Sponge  Chicken Mutant
  37. Stone  Chicken Mutant
  38. Terracotta  Chicken Mutant
  39. Warped Nylium  Chicken Mutant
  40. Warped Stem  Chicken Mutant
  41. Wool  Chicken Mutant
  42. Ancient Debris Sheep Mutant
  43. Coal Sheep Mutant
  44. Crying Obsidian Sheep Mutant
  45. Diamond Sheep Mutant
  46. Emerald Sheep Mutant
  47. Gold Sheep Mutant
  48. Iron Sheep Mutant
  49. Lapis Sheep Mutant
  50. Obsidian Sheep Mutant
  51. Quartz Sheep Mutant
  52. Redstone Sheep Mutant
  53. Lava Cow Mutant
  54. Water Cow Mutant

Plus more to be added!

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