Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1028 - Published at: 4 years ago
This is a map to practice PVP with friends in a UHC mode. Once there are two or more players connected, they will be able to enter the arena, each player will receive a similar kit, the only difference will be the enchantments and that the armor pieces are random and can be from iron, diamond or even underground!
If there are not 2 or more players in the world then it will not be possible to enter the arena.
You can enter the arena as a spectator, with this mode you can go through walls, fly to see the players in battle but you cannot attack or build.
The map has a kill system to make it more entertaining and competitive, so every time you kill a player you will get a point!
Every time a player dies in the arena, they will leave a skull with which you can craft golden heads!
From time to time the sand cleans itself! (Beta function)
Creator: TuCocoroNO02
Twitter: @Odyssey15267125
YouTube: zOdyssey ツ
Team Cubitos MC
Click to see installation information!
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