Download Armor Expansion - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Armor Expansion
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1394 - Published at: 4 years ago


Armor Expansion it’s a add-on that adds 8 new armors to Minecraft BE. each armors counts with an only and unique abilities. This changes depending the material of the armor

First, you need to make a new block:

Armor table

From make the armors you need to craft a new crafting table

Now, we can make the armors

armor list:

Coal armor

The coal armor has the ability to bright when you have a torch in the hand


Lapis armor

The lapis armor gives effects meanwhile your xp increase

5-10 xp: speed

15-20 xp: jump boost

25-30 xp: resistance


Redstone armor

The redstone armor gives speed 2


Turtle armor

The turtle armor don’t have any special effect (just the helmet, that gives water breathing), but, you need this armor for a new and better armor. You can craft this armor in the normal crafting table


Shulker armor

The shulker armor gives protection when you sneak, but, you can’t walk meanwhile you’re sneaking


Prismarine armor

The prismarine armor gives conduit power and you’re immune to the poison effect, also, you can give poison to the most certain mobs. You have a change to obtain poison for 3 seconds when you unequip the armor.

You can move more faster in the water and breath in the water


Guardian spike

The guardian spike it’s a new loot from the guardians and elder guardians. It’s necessary from craft the prismarine armor.

Hidden armors

The hidden armors need the materias from another addons to be crafted

Bismuth armor

  • You need the bismuth from Minecraft upgrade
  • Gives regeneration 2

Wither bone armor

  • Gives the bone armor from primal technology
  • Gives wither immunity

From see this armors you need to install the add-ons and see the recipes from the armor table

You can see the recipes in the recipes inventory


