Download Nether Challenge (Addon w/ scripts) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Nether Challenge (Addon w/ scripts)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1341 - Published at: 5 years ago


Featuring a server-like lobby and many kits to choose from, survive in the Nether wandering in hell raiding fortress and destroying monsters while gathering enough obsidian to build a portal as fast as possible.

Play in single-player or multi-player PVM or PVP against the counting ticks as you rush to heap the rewards and loot you find into something you can depend and survive off of. Scavenge whatever you can find including mushrooms and pigman loot until you can find skeletons in the fortresses to grow a tree on the most important and rarest block you have.

This challenge is meant to be something comparable to skyblock, except there is no way to generate cobblestone and it is much more hardcore. You must depend on the wood you make for bowls, tools, and sticks for whatever you need.

Since from experience I managed to win starting with only a single dirt block and sapling, I know for a fact this challenge is possible to win. I also know that the Nether has in store many natural traps, unfair spawn locations, and lava ocean everywhere, so I exploited a bug I found myself to completely eradicate the bedrock on top of the Nether giving full access anywhere when you want to travel somewhere fast or get out of a terrible spawn location.

Building a portal and escaping is not as easy as you think, since fortresses are occasionally spaced far apart, you might have to travel 100s of blocks before you reach a fresh new fortress. With this in mind, I added an armor stand that points to the furthest player within a range of 1000 blocks. Things now might get dicey when everyone is man hunting each other for some obsidian blocks. You just might have someone ready to make an unexpected appearance somewhere near you.

If you are new to this addon, I added a bunch of armor stands that explains the very basics to surviving in the Nether.

You can get a kit by going near a named mob and dropping a Nether Star near them. I picked out the best and most balanced variations to suit anybody’s style of gameplay:

  1. Chicken: Flyer Kit (1 Wood pickaxe, 1 Elytra, 1 Trident, 8 Slow falling potions)
  2. Cow: Miner Kit (1 Iron pickaxe, 32 TNT, 1 Flint and steel)
  3. Pig: Digger Kit (1 Iron pickaxe, 1 Diamond shovel, 8 Strength potions)
  4. Cat: Poison Kit (1 Wood Pickaxe, 1 Gold sword, 16 Poison Potions)
  5. Wolf: Fighter Kit (1 Wood Pickaxe, 1 Gold Sword, 1 Crossbow, 32 Arrows)
  6. Fox: Teleporter Kit (1 Wood Pickaxe, 32 Ender Pearls, 1 Bow, 32 Arrows)
  7. Panda: Climber Kit (1 Diamond Pickaxe, 320 Scaffolding)
  8. Rabbit: Speed Kit (1 Iron Sword, 4 Leaping Potions, 4 Swiftness potions)
  9. Mooshroom: Food Kit (1 Wood Pickaxe, 32 Cookies, 16 Bread, 1 Cake)
  10. Polar Bear: Super Kit (8 Ender Pearls, 32 End Crystals, 32 Bedrock, 1 Shield)
  11. Llama: Sniper Kit (1 Wood Pickaxe, 1 Bow, 64 Arrows, 8 Invisibility Potions)
  12. Villager: Summon Kit (1 Wood Pickaxe, 32 Slimes, 32 Creepers)
  13. Iron Golem: Armor Kit (1 Gold Sword, Iron Armor, 1 Shield)
  14. Snow Golem: Suicide Kit (32 Bedrock, 32 End Crystals)
  15. Bee: Buzzier Kit (1 Gold Sword, 1 Gold Pickaxe, 64 Bees)
  16. Parrot: HARDCORE Kit (Nothing extra… Can you survive?)

The Nether has no changes other than the roof to ensure you have a mostly vanilla experience. If you do not like it, you can always leave suggestions or make an addon to change fortress loot yourself.

I wonder how fast can someone complete this challenge? Post your times below? I completed it in 2 hours.


Use /function setup to make the spawn lobby and the kits.

Use /function portal to enter the nether and start the game.

You must have Experimental Gameplay and Cheats turned on!

Since this addon uses important scripting to work, an experimental feature that uses Javascript, YOU MUST HAVE WINDOWS 10 TO PLAY THIS ADDON.

Android /iOS / Playstation / Xbox NOT SUPPORTED

Due to a conflict with chunk loading breaking important functions,  there is a forced 18 second delay as a temporary workaround: "Functions break when making blocks while chunks are being generated"

Due to nasty bug slowing the internal server, after you use /function portal to start the game, you must exit and renter the game to fix a lagging ticks issue after everyone enters the Nether: "spreadplayers command slows the world to 3 ticks per second"

A full installation tutorial:


