Download Worm’s Nether Skyblock v2 - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Worm’s Nether Skyblock v2
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1370 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is basically a bedrock version of Protosky’s Extreme Nether Skyblock. There are a few changes to work better on bedrock, as well as allow for access to more items.

This Nether Skyblock map spawns you in the Nether on a small island.

Map contains ALL Biomes in Nether and Overworld.

Map area is 5k x 5k in all dimensions, encased in border blocks.

Nether Scale is still 8:1. So portals could push you out of bounds pretty easy. I’ll find a suitable solution shortly.

All structures are still “present”. All of their blocks are removed of course, but their locations are still known in the map. (Ex: You must go to the location of a Nether Fortress to spawn Blaze)

You can use ChunkBase to find the location of structures.

Seed: 306959825

(Map was made in Java 1.16.4, so there may be slight inconsistencies from the conversion)

Cheats must be enabled, as command blocks handle the spawning.

Piglin bartering is changed using a behavior pack I made called PiglinBarterNSB (separate download). It adds Ancient Debris and Netherwart to Piglin Bartering. Ancient Debris is just as rare as the Enchanted book, and only gives 1. Netherwart is as rare as Ender Pearls, and gives 2-4.

W.B.I.T pack by DanRobzProbz is linked. Holding a compass will display the current biome in the Overworld on screen in real time. Pack doesn’t work well for Nether biomes, however each biome has a noticable screen effect for easy telling.

Chunkbase will however also show you biomes, possibly more accurate than WBIT (as it’s outdated).

Nether has only the starting island with tree, and a layer of bedrock at ceiling (apparently mobs won’t spawn with open sky in Bedrock)

The spawn island contains 1 crimson nylium, 1 warped nylium, 1 bedrock, and a crimson tree.

You will spawn (and respawn) on the bedrock. So it is highly advised to not build on the 2 blocks above it.

The warped and crimson nylium blocks are the only source of nylium, you won’t want to destroy that before you use it to make more.

Overworld has a single grass block and lava source, as well as the end portal frames (in there naturally spawning location)

End has obsidian platform to spawn on from end portal, bedrock fountain, obsidian towers. Chorus trees, Shulkers, and Elytras are still generated.

Shulkers unfortunately turned black during the conversion from Java.

Elytras do NOT fall from their frames on their own (they did in Protosky)


Basic progression

Make Crafting table
Make Composter
Grow and compost vines for bone meal
Make piglin farm
Spread nylium with netherrack and bone meal
Bone meal nylium for stem
Bone meal stem for tree(break fast if on only nylium)
Wood tools
Make portal
Make cauldron
Collect water(caldron in rain and/or water bottles from piglin)
Make bucket(s)
Take lava source
Take water
Make cobblestone gen
Stone tools

Grass/tree progression

Fox farm on grass block for 3x emeralds
(Have enderman pick up grass, and kill it if you want to move it)
Farm wandering trader for podzol (3x)
Place and break podzol for dirt
Use 2x dirt and 2x gravel for 4x coarse dirt (doubles your dirt)
Place and break coarse dirt for dirt
Place dirt next to grass to spread
Buy sapling from wandering trader
Villager progression

Get apples from trees
Make golden apples
Trap zombie villagers
Bring witch near zombie villager
Have it throw weakness potion at you (hitting villager)
Feed villager golden apple
Make breeder
End progression
(End dimension is void of main end stone only)

Build out to a nether fortress location (within 5k)
Farm blaze
Make ender eye
Build out to stronghold location (within 5k)
Go to end
Kill dragon
Find end City (actual structures there for Elytra purpose)
Kill shulkers
More Block progression

Dirt – Wandering trader w/ podzol, podzol>dirt, 2x dirt + 2x gravel = 4x coarse dirt
Netherrack – New portal generation
End Stone – End City portal generation
Sand – Wandering Trader
Soul Soil – Break Soul Campfire (made using Soul Sand)

World Seed: 306959825

Biome map (be sure to change the version to bedrock)

Stronghold map (only within 5k radius of 0,0 will generate)

Let me know if there’s anything I should add/change. For instance, if there are inaccessible items or blocks.

Dieing will likely despawn mobs in the nether as you are tp’d to the Overworld and back on death.


Import the world directly by opening it using a file explorer. World will immediately be in your current worlds.


