Download World Edit Add-On - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: World Edit Add-On
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1679 - Published at: 4 years ago


This world edit addon adds a lot of functions that will help you edit your world a lot faster, It adds a lot of functions such as allowing you to remove trees/water/snow in seconds, adds custom brushes to make huge structures and more.

This addon adds 40+ Functions that will help you edit your worlds a lot faster.


-Install and activate the behavior pack

NOTE: Resource pack only requiered if your game language is NOT set to english

-Use /function help to get a list of every command that is available,

-To stop any command there are two ways you can do this, use this command /function stop or you can also just drop a barrier block and it will stop any command

-Use /function give to receive a few items that can activate a few of these commands a lot quicker.

Drop any of these items to activate specific commands:

Barrier- Stops all Commands
Trident- Activates PaintBrush (40+ blocks to choose from)
Light Block- Lights up any area you look at
Stone Axe- Removes any tree you look at
Tallgrass- Removes grass
Snow Layer- Removes Snow
Bucket- Removes Water and Lava
Stick- Activates a dirt brush (to increase size drop it again, 7 sizes available)
Wooden Shovel- 3x3x3 brush that clears any block
Snowball- Adds Snow wherever you look
Leaves- Removes any leaves you look at

/function brush_dirt_large

/function remove_trees  – Remove Trees in seconds

/function light – Light up any area you look at

/function remove_water -Removes Water


/function give         
/function add_grass   
(Adds Grass wherever you look)   
/function add_snow   
(Adds Snow Wherever you look)
/function stop             
(stops any of the commands)
/function add_water        
(Will fill area with water)
/function brush_dirt_large 
(large dirt sphere brush)
/function brush_sand_small 
(small sand sphere brush)
/function brush_stone      
(small stone brush)
/function clear_20x20      
(clears a 20×20 area)
/function clear_50x50      
(clears a 50×50 area)
/function dirt_to_sand     
(turns dirt to sand)
/function flatten          
(3x3x3 brush that clears any block)
/function grass_to_sand    
(turns grass to sand)
/function grass_to_stone   
(turns grass to stone)
/function grass_to_snow   
(turns grass to snow)
/function light            
(lights up any area you look at)
/function remove_grass
/function remove_lava
/function remove_leaves
/function remove_snow
/function remove_trees
/function remove_water
/function sand_to_grass    
(turns sand to grass)
/function sand_to_stone    
(turns sand to stone)
/function sand_to_snow    
(turns sand to snow)
/function stone_to_grass   
(turns stone to grass)
/function stone_to_sand    
(turns stone to sand)
/function stone_to_snow    
(turns stone to snow)
/function wall             
(will spawn a wall of stone from the ground to the player)
/function snowlayerplatform50
/function snowlayerplatform100
/function br1              
(Brush Size 1)
/function br2              
(Brush Size 2)
/function br3              
(Brush Size 3)
/function br4              
(Brush Size 4)
/function br5              
(Brush Size 5)
/function br6              
(Brush Size 6)
/function w4_brush         
(wool Brush Size 4)
/function w5_brush         
(wool Brush Size 5)
/function w6_brush         
(wool Brush Size 6)
/function snow_to_dirt     
(turns snow to dirt)
/function snow_to_grass    
(turns snow to grass)
/function snow_to_stone    
(turns snow to stone)
/function snow_to_sand     
(turns snow to sand)

Credit to Dakonblackrose for allowing me to use some of his functions

/function grass_to_sand

/function sand_to_stone


