Download Wood (Oak) - Items
MC: Wood (Oak)
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 1032 - Published at: 5 years ago


Wood is a naturally occurring block fundamental to the crafting of many blocks and tools in the game. They have a skin resembling bark on the four side faces, and a crosscut face on top and bottom. Wood is greatly abundant in naturally-generated maps, as it is used as the foundation for trees. Wood is also flammable. There are currently six varieties of wood. The first is Oak, which is the "classic" texture of brown, the second is Birch, which is white and has dark spots over it; the third type, Spruce, resembles Oak but is darker in color; the fourth type, Jungle, resembles Oak wood with bark aligned horizontally and has a green tint. Type number five is Acacia, which has grey on the outside, orange on the inside, and finally, log number six: Dark Oak, which is a darker version of the oak log. Wood from different types of trees will produce different colors of wood planks when crafted and will not stack in the inventory. Both types of Oak and acacia trees have the same texture, birch trees have slightly duller colored leaves than regular trees, pine trees have pine needles, and jungle leaves are leafy with fruit-like shapes.

