Download M-G-P Texture Pack - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: M-G-P Texture Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1175 - Published at: 5 years ago


M-G-P Texture Pack (previously called Cleaner & Connectable Glass) is a very neat upgrade for the stained glass textures. The frame is removed from the glass which makes stained glass blocks connect more smoothly. Also the texture have been redesigned to give a more clean appearance. This pack is suited for anyone who like simplistic, clean and modern designs.

Creator: Hothaifa
Updated: 25 August, 2018 (read changelog)


  • This texture pack is mixed the Connectable glass texture pack and the cleaner stained glass pack together.
  • This texture pack connects the glass block textures by removing the frame and makes the glass more clean by removing the pixels in the center of the block.
  • This pack works flawlessly on both version 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 and the 1.6 beta.


  • Normal
    • The original pack glass, full clean & connected
    • Full frame (absolutely new)! : Clean, but it has a black frame that’s surrounds the glass texture from all sides.
    • Horizontal lines (absolutely new)! : Clean, but it has a black lines on top & down of the glass texture, making it connected from the right & left sides.
    • Vertical lines (absolutely new)! : Clean, but it has a black lines on right & left of the glass texture, making it connected from the top & down sides.
    • Realistic gray rain & rain particles.
    • A certain shape to the default Minecraft sun & moon phases.
    • Connected bookshelf block.
    • 100% hidden normal glass block & pane in default choice!
    • New panorama.
    • New title.
    • The glass had a vibrant color!
  • Shaders
    • Enhanced illumination.
    • A new color of lighting, for every thing shines in the game.
    • A new color for the sky.
    • Directional lighting on blocks.
    • 70% lagless shaders.
    • And also the features of the normal version.
    • Other!


  • Added a 3 new costume glass textures to the pack (Full frame, Horizontal lines & Vertical lines), and also the cleaner & Connectable glass which called now “Default”, you can choose and change anyone from the pack sittings.
  • Removed all the old textures except the cleaner & Connectable glass, rain, rain particles and the bookshelf block.
  • #Added a certain shape to the default Minecraft sun & moon phases.
  • Now the normal glass block & pane in the default choice is 100% hidden.
  • Added a .mcpack file, and fix the download crush in the game.
  • Change pack icon & the title, so it shows which pack you are using, (Green glass is normal pack, red glass is shaders pack).
  • Added new panorama.
  • Now the glass had a vibrant color!
  • Fix the shaders crashes and make it more simple, lite and 70% more lag less so it runs very good on any device!, so now its don’t  need to Optifine!
  • Change the name from “Cleaner & Connectable Glass Texture Pack” to “M-G-P Texture Pack” and that’s short for “#Minecraft-Glass-Project”
  • Updated links, very fast & No problems!
  • A lot of fixes!

Creator Notes

  • Make sure you set the “fancy graphics” option in video sitting is ON, the shader not works when this option is OFF!
  • Wait a little bit while activating the
  • shaders pack, and do not delete it!
  • It’s best to active the shaders pack on official version of Minecraft, (not beta!), and the normal pack you can active it on official or beta versions of Minecraft without any problems.
  • Go to Settings menu in Minecraft, and then Global Resources. Then click the wrench iron to open the Glass Selector menu.
  • Use the slider to switch between packs. You might need to restart the game for the changes to take effect.
  • Any Nots or problems, please write it in your comment, and I’ll fix it at the next update.
  • If you want a simple realistic touch to this pack in your game, you can use the shaders pack that’s pack same feature of the normal pack +1.
  • Every pack (Normal or shaders) the size of it is 50mb, very big?, that’s because the new costume glass textures which have been added in this update, but don’t worry… Both pack is very lagless, and you will not get any problems from it.


  1. Download one of the following packs:
    1. Download Resources (Normal) .McPack
    2. Download Resources (Shaders Included) .McPack
  2. Start Minecraft
  3. Settings> Global Resources> Activate the pack

You can get a .ZIP file for this pack here.

