Download Village Generator: World Edition - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Village Generator: World Edition
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1272 - Published at: 5 years ago


This is a flat world which adds new structures in the game that can be generated by using structure blocks. You can use these to generate even a whole village!

Created by Th3Emilis ( Twitter Account | YouTube Channel | Discord Server )

How to Use

Use /function help in chat, and other commands listed by it, to get the name of the structures that you’ll type in the Structure Name field of the structure block.



Structure blocks are still an experimental feature, which means Experimental Gameplay option must be enabled in world settings. Also, the structures can’t be copied to other worlds, as the structures are not saved as a separate file.

Terms of Use

By using this world, you agree to not:
– distribute the world without creator’s consent;
– modify files from the world and/or claim them as your own;
– distribute the world with custom or monetized links.


