Download SkyBlockBE - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: SkyBlockBE
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1306 - Published at: 5 years ago


Have you ever wanted a modded skyblock bedrock map, well you found one, my first skyblock map for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, with custom crafting recipes and custom textures!! A new skyblock experience without having to grind wood. In this map, you will be starting in a room with most of the recipes being shown on the walls and you will have a stone pickaxe(nearly broken) and 10 stone. throw the compasses to teleport to areas. Now have fun!!!

Welcome To SkyBlockBE

1: Island

This is the Island you start on. Throw the compass called Teleport To Island to teleport here! Mine the cobble to get cobble then craft coal, iron, gold, redstone, lapis and eventually diamonds.

2: Starting Area

This is where you spawn, all the crafting recipes are here, also throw compasses to teleport also there are command blocks at the bottom (not all of them)

3: Crafting Recipe Wall/Starting Area

This is the start of the map where all the crafting recipes are, now throw your compass and thrive the map finishes when you get a special item…

4: Crafting Recipes:

Remember, these are shapeless recipes, and you can do it in any order.

1: Coal Ore

[c] [c] [  ]
[c] [  ] [  ] = [C]
[  ] [  ] [  ]
[c] = Cobblestone
[C] = Coal Ore

2: Iron Ore

[c] [C] [  ]
[  ] [  ] [  ] = [I]
[  ] [  ] [  ] 
[c] = Cobblestone
[C] = Coal
[I] = Iron Ore

3: Gold Ore

[C] [I] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] = [g]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[I]= Iron Ingot
[C] = Coal

[g] = Gold Ore

4: Lapis Ore

[I] [g] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] = [l]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[I] = Iron Ingot
[l] = Lapis Ore
[g] = Gold Ingot

5: Redstone Ore

[g] [l] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] = [r]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[g] = Gold Ingot
[l] = Lapis
[r] = redstone

6: Diamond

[l] [r] [ ]
[g] [I] [ ] = [d]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[l] = Lapis
[r] = Redstone
[g] = Gold Ingot
[I] = Iron Ingot
[d] = Diamond

7: Cobble Crafting Table

[c] [c] [ ]
[c] [c] [ ] = [cct]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[c] = cobblestone
[cct] = Cobble Crafting Table

8: Stone Rod

[c] [ ] [ ]
[c] [ ] [ ] = [sr]
[  ] [ ] [ ] 
[c] = Cobblestone
[sr] = Stone Rod

all of these are the custom recipes added, the textures that are changed are the tools, (pickaxes, shovels, axes, hoes etc.) and the wood and the crafting table. Hope you like the map!!!


