Download Ultimate Survival World - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Ultimate Survival World
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1370 - Published at: 5 years ago


Have you wanted to have a survival world where you can kick back and relax? A world where you could be in paradise? How about a world where you can get achievements you didn’t earn! Well this world is the solution to your problems!

Before we get started I want to thank the user “telepathicgrunt” for the uploading of 1.13 seed used for this map. Anyways, this map includes everything, A village, Huge farms, Uneerwater Bases, Nether Fortresses, what more could you want!?


The village is where all those epic resources are. The village includes several houses, a dock, a market, a fountain, animal pens, and a large farming facility. 

Underwater Base

Things get interesting here! This Base comes equipped with a fully-powered conduit, a jukebox, stonecutter, plenty of storage, and a bedroom. You can use it how you please. Live there full time? I’ll get the real estate agent. Want to use it as an adventure checkpoint? Well enjoy your journey to the unknown.

[Outside view of the Underwater Base]

[Inside view of the Underwater Base]


I have to admit, the fortress is quite underdeveloped. But I promise that will change soon! The Nether Fortress includes a path from the portal to a Nether Wart Farm and obviously a Fortress. Make sure to watch out for the blazes though, they might attack!

[Entrance portal with signs pointing to the Farm & Fortress]

[Nether Wart Farm]

[Nether Fortress Entrance]

Skeleton Grinder

This last little thing will makes getting bonemeal or arrows a piece of cake (although the bow has infinity.) Simply step into the “Viewing Window” and watch the show! Note: You must be standing in the “Viewing Window” in order for the grinder to work! Once you have had enough you can head to the Collection Room to revive your hard-earned bones & arrows.

[Entrance to the “Viewing Window”]

[Entrance to the “Collection Room”]


This is for all those people out there who ain’t got time for a bunch of bees. This thing does almost all the work for you. All you need to do is harvest when your ready. The hoppers will carry your honeycomb to you.

[The window of the beehive]

[Collecting area of the beehive]


This map is in it’s Pre-Release. If you see that the map is a little unorganized I apologize, and I will try to organize things more in the next few updates.


You must be at the latest version of Minecraft, 1.14 as there are beehives in some of the chests. A .zip file will be coming soon.


