Download The Wandering Woods [Custom Terrain] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: The Wandering Woods [Custom Terrain]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 905 - Published at: 5 years ago


The wandering woods is a custom terrain that is 2 billion chunks big (marked in quarter chunks) and has custom trees, rocks, buildings, dungeons, and lots more. It was created in the Java Edition using a program called Open Terrain Generator, and a program that I built. It was then ported to the Bedrock Edition.

Creator: Pdtheyoutuber

There is lots to explore. Dungeons of all shapes and sizes hold the best (and sometimes the worst) loot. The new 94 types of village houses that can spawn brings life into the game like never seen with bedrock edition custom terrain.

  • 38 Different Custom Structures
  • 94 Different Village Structures
  • 87 Possible Custom Tree Types
  • 13 Custom Dungeon Variations
  • Fearghas’ Mansion
  • The Trapper’s Mansion
  • 1 Spawn Tower
  • 3049 Biome Variations

This is free for anyone to remix, host on realms, or turn into a minigame or whatever you want, just please don’t credit this as your own.


