Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1340 - Published at: 4 years ago
The Prequel Trilogy is an add-on made for Minecraft Bedrock, and for the people who liked my previous full add-on: The Legacy Awaits, but only wants the mobs and the items of those in The Prequel Trilogy series of Star Wars..
Hello Everyone! I’m back! And today, I am going to walk you through my new add-on, named: The Prequel Trilogy… This features the mobs, and items of the Prequel Trilogy series of Star Wars, So, what are we waiting for, let’s begin!
1.) The Lightsabers
So what is Star Wars without a Lightsaber? Nothing, right? Yeah! Now, I am going to walk you through the Lightsabers available in this add-on… There are 7 Lightsabers in fact!
1. The Blue-Bladed Lightsaber
The Blue-Bladed Lightsaber is the most commonly used Lightsaber in the Prequel Trilogy… It has 10 attack damage, which is the same for all the Lightsabers…
2. The Green-Bladed Lightsaber
The Green-Bladed Lightsaber is the second most used Lightsaber in the series, in fact, only few of the Jedi used this Lightsaber, such as Jedi master ‘Qui-Gon Jinn’
3. The Purple-Bladed Lightsaber
The Purple-Bladed Lightsaber is the least used Lightsaber in the entire series, only Jedi master ‘Mace Windu’ uses it…
4. The Red-Bladed Lightsaber
The Red-Bladed Lightsaber is the common Lightsaber used by the Sith or if you would like to call it, The Dark Side…
5. The Red-Bladed Curved-Hilt Lightsaber
The Red-Bladed Curved-Hilt Lightsaber is the Lightsaber used by the Sith named ‘Count Dooku’… He is the only one who used this…
6. Darth Maul’s Saberstaff
This Lightsaber was used by the Sith apprentice ‘Darth Maul’… And yes… He is the only one who used this
7. The White-Bladed Lightsaber
This plain, White-Bladed Lightsaber, is only used by Ahsoka Tano in the animated series: The Clone Wars… In this add-on however, no one uses it, as it is the only Lightsaber that only the player can use…
2.) The Prequel Trilogy Mobs!
Now, onto the mobs part… There are plenty of mobs in this add-on, in fact, there are 17 mobs in these add-on, and we’re going to go through it one by one…
Note: All mobs, except for the Tusken Raider mob and the second Palpatine mob, have 300 health…
1. Anakin Skywalker
Anakin is a Jedi turned Sith who is an apprentice to the Sith Lord ‘Sidious’… In this add-on, he is a neutral mob, meaning, he is good to the player until the player hurts him…
2. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Knight turned Jedi Master who is the apprentice of the late Qui-Gon Jinn, in this add-on, he is a neutral mob…
3. Qui-Gon Jinn
Qui-Gon Jinn is a Jedi Master who taught Obi-Wan Kenobi how to be a Jedi Knight… In the movie, he died in the hands of the Sith Apprentice ‘Darth Maul’, he is a neutral mob in this add-on…
4. Kit Fisto
Kit Fisto is a Jedi, didn’t watch any videos about him, so I pretty much don’t know him, anyways, he is a neutral mob in this add-on…
5. Ki-Adi-Mundi
Ki-Adi-Mundi is a Jedi master who died during the raid called ‘Order 66’, and in the add-on, he is a neutral mob…
6. Aayla Secura
Aayla Secura, she is a Jedi Knight who also died during ‘Order 66’, and also a neutral mob in this add-on…
7. Mace Windu
Mace Windu is a Jedi Master who wields the purple-bladed Lightsaber, and is played by non other than “Samuel L. Jackson”, in this add-on, he is a neutral mob…
8. Padmé Amidala
Padmé Amidala is a senator who became Anakin’s wife (even though it’s forbidden)… She is a neutral mob…
9. Senator Sheev Palpatine
Senator Sheev Palpatine is a Chancellor turned galactic senator and is secretly the Sith Lord ‘Darth Sidious’… He is a hostile mob, meaning, even if you don’t attack him, he’ll attack you…
10: Senator Sheev Palpatine (Scared and Deformed)
Yep, what a long name, anyways, he is the version of Palpatine, after he gets hit by a Jedi, still, he’s a hostile mob…
11. Darth Sidious
Darth Sidious is a Sith Lord, who is an apprentice to Darth Plagueis the wise, whom we didn’t see in the series, and the master of few sith apprentice such as Count Dooku and Darth Vader… He is a hostile mob…
12. Jango Fett
Jango Fett is the Clone Donor for all the Clone Troopers ever existed, he may be a good guy in my first add-on, he is a hostile mob here…
13. Darth Maul
Darth Maul is a Sith apprentice to the sith Lord ‘Darth Sidious’, he wields this unique Lightsaber called Saberstaff, and he is a hostile mob…
14. Count Dooku
Count Dooku is a Jedi Knight turned Sith apprentice who now serves the Sith Lord ‘Darth Sidious’… He also wields a unique version of the classic Red Lightsaber which is the Curved-Hilt Lightsaber… He is a hostile mob…
15. General Grievous
General Grievous is a cyborg-human who takes Lightsabers from various other Jedi… He is a hostile mob…
16. Darth Vader
Darth Vader is the name that Anakin Skywalker created after he joins the dark side… He is a hostile mob…
17. Tusken Raider
The Tusken Raiders are the creatures who lived in Tatooine, and the creatures that Anakin slaughtered… They are hostile mobs… I just added them because of the lack of villains in this add-on…
3.) Other items and projectiles
There are more than just mobs, there are also the items and projectiles for the add-on, here they are!
1. Kyber Crystals (White, Blue, Green, Red, And Purple)
Update: Look! I have changed the texture of the Kyber Crystals!
These Kyber Crystals are used to craft the Lightsabers, along with an iron ingot…
This is a White Kyber Crystal, the most common one, this is used to make your very own White-Bladed Lightsaber!
This is the Blue Kyber Crystal, this, along with few others, are used to create existing Lightsabers…
The Green Kyber Crystal is also used to make a ready-made Lightsaber
The Cracked Kyber Crystal (Red) is the most unique of all the Kyber Crystals, not only is red, but it’s also named quite differently…
The Purple Kyber Crystal, another Kyber Crystal used to make the Purple-Bladed Lightsaber…
2. The Force Energy
This, this is an old concept of mine, this concept is taken from my first add-on, and it was inspired by the Force Push ability in the movies… Fun Fact: this was actually named as Force Push at the time I’m making this addon… And btw, when it hits an entity or a player, it gives them the Slowness effect… As a sign of them held back…
3. The Force Lightning
This projectile is inspired by the video game called: Star Wars™ The Force Unleashed ™, where everyone uses a special ability called Force Lightning, in this add-on however, only the sith entities such as Vader or Palpatine uses it… When it hits an entity, it gives them the wither effect as a sign of them being electrocuted…
4. DL-44 Blaster Rifle
This projectile is one of the most complicated one, because first of all, I didn’t own this, and second of all, by the time I’m collecting textures for this addon, this one has a lot of names, such as : DL-74, riFle gun, and more, but I chose the most plausible one, which is the DL-44 Blaster Rifle…This Blaster Rifle is used by the players and a few mobs such as: Padmé, Jango, and The Tusken Raiders… Sadly, there is no picture for this one, I didn’t get a chance to take a screenshot of it…
4.) Closing Remarks
Well, thanks in advance for downloading the addon, I hope you stay tuned for more, and before I leave you all, I would like to give some do’s and dont’s…
•You can review this addon
•You can showcase this in your YouTube channel as long as you credit me…
•You can’t repost this
•You can’t own this addon
•You can’t modify it…
Well that’s it y’all, goodbye!
Download the mcaddon file and import it to Minecraft... (Only BEDROCK EDITION)