Download Taming++ - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Taming++
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1480 - Published at: 5 years ago


Taming and riding a horse mount in Minecraft is often made more tedious than necessary. This is mostly in part because of the inconvenience of obtaining saddles. This add-on hopes to change that.

A few key changes have been made to the horse, donkey, and mule. Namely:

 – They now can be controlled without the saddle

 – They still need the saddle to ‘power jump’; pressing the jump button on an unsaddled mount will simply make you jump off of it.

Tamed llamas can be controlled with wheat, in the same way saddled pigs can be controlled with a carrot on a stick.

And because I could, Ravagers are tamable.

 – Tamed Ravagers act similar to saddled horses; able to power jump.

 – Tamed Ravagers are not attacked by Iron Golems, and attack both monsters and illagers.

 – Tamed Ravagers still destroy select blocks.

 – All Ravagers have a sweet tooth for sugar, which heals tamed ones and helps the taming process.

 – Ravagers still attack the player while they are being tamed. Be sure to have sufficient armor.

 – Ravagers cannot be given new saddles,  new armor, or chests.


If the add-on doesn't work, try enabling 'experimental gameplay' in the world settings menu.


